( Pp. 22-26)
More about authors
Romashkova Irina I.
kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Russian Federation Government Besedina Natalia I. kand. yurid. nauk, docent, docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Russian Federation Government Besedina Natalia I. kand. yurid. nauk, docent, docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The article deals with the formation of the energy sector of the economy in terms of the system of legal norms governing the activities of the state on the formation and development of the market mechanism in the fuel and energy sector, as well as the activities of economic entities of the energy market of Russia and its infrastructure. The authors analyze the legal complex of legal norms that make up the modern energy legislation of Russia, and the practical aspects of the legislative requirements for the use of effective and safe lighting equipment. The article concludes that it is necessary to stabilize the energy law and ensure the legal regulation of the developing field of social relations in the field of energy. The authors note the need to improve legislation in the field of production of energy-efficient lighting equipment, in order to stimulate the development of scientific activities and legal support for the development of new products required by the consumer.
How to Cite:
Romashkova I.I., Besedina N.I., (2018), ENERGY SECTOR: THE RUSSIAN LEGAL MODEL. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 22-26.
Reference list:
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