( Pp. 306-308)

More about authors
Rusakova Ekaterina Petrovna Dr.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor
Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Moscow, Russia
The article describes the arbitration law reform in India. The «road map» of supporting institutional arbitration was adopted at the Government level. First of all, amendments were made to the current legislation of arbitration, in the Act of arbitration and conciliation of India 1996 (amended in 2018). Under the order will be create New Delhi International Arbitration Center. The appearance such arbitration center was the expected result, as the current International center of the alternative dispute resolution in India doesn’t satisfied the needs of society and the state in commercial disputes resolution. It should be noted that compared to other countries, including the BRICS countries, India has a rather complicated arbitration procedure. Unlike India, China has long set the task to become the world arbitration center, and as a result has simplified the arbitration procedure as much as possible.
How to Cite:
Rusakova E.P., (2018), THE ARBITRATION LAW REFORM IN INDIA. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 306-308.
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