( Pp. 61-65)
More about authors
Voskanian Roza O.
kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry finansovogo menedzhmenta
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Purpose. Based on a study of the practice of using finance in the geopolitical struggle of recent years, to identify the primary tool for the formation of a financial threat to the national security of the state. Findings. The author defines the role of finance as a factor in the formation of an external threat to the national security of the state from the position of a possible change in the geopolitical landscape. By the author, it has been identified the primary source of threats to the national security of the state in the sphere of finance in the form of cyber attacks aimed at destabilising the work of general financial institutions and reducing investor confidence in the state economy. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by the heads of financial departments of legal entities in order to improve the cyber risk management policy, as well as representatives of the insurance sector of the Russian economy in order to form and promote new products in the field of cyber insurance. Theoretical value. The practice of using finance and cyber attacks to create threats to the national security of the state has been studied. The growth rates of the global cyber insurance market were studied, and it shows the main obstacles to its development. Recommendations are given for various participants in economic relations in order to increase the resilience of the economy to external financial threats, incl. implemented through cyber attacks.
How to Cite:
Voskanian R.O., (2019), FINANCIAL THREATS TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE STATE. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 61-65.
Reference list:
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Full Text: The Facts and China s Position on China-US Trade Friction // URL: /1638294.htm
Mee P., Schuermann T. How a Cyber Attack Could Cause the Next Financial Crisis // Harvard Business School Publishing. URL:
Unleashing the Potential of the Cyber Insurance Market // Ofitsial naya stranitsa OECD iLibrary. - URL: /daf/fin/insurance/Presentations-Conference-cyber-insurance-market.pdf