( Pp. 86-89)

More about authors
Antonyan Elena A. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry kriminologii i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava
Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGLA) Baumshtein Anton B. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava
Southwestern state university
This article is devoted to the study of such social phenomenon as «domestic violence». Given the increase in the number of crimes committed within one family, it becomes inevitable to study the psychology of the subject of such behavior, the causes and factors that encourage him to commit certain actions. The article compares and analyzes the views of the authors: L. Berkovets, E. and R. Dobash, A. Vilkova. The article emphasizes the causal relationship with the historical past of the Patriarchal country and the current state of the causal complex of «domestic violence». First of all, this fact can be seen in the signs of socially targeted phenomena, as well as in the mechanism of individual empowerment through aggressive behavior. When addressing the problem of «domestic violence», the authors analyzed the essence of the concept of «psychological violence». The analysis led to mixed conclusions, namely, two conceptual points of view. The first is that psychological violence is the external factor by virtue of which the wrongful acts are committed. The second view defines psychological violence as a means of committing a crime. On the basis of the given statistical data of surveys of parents concerning separate methods of system of education of the children - mental and physical methods of influence were revealed in the prevailing majority. Between the specific methods of education and the General situation in the family, which supports aggressive and cruel forms of relationship is determined by the relationship with juvenile crime. It is this category of people today increases its quality and quantity. «Domestic violence» affects the national security of the state, complicated by a high degree of latency. The latent nature of this phenomenon complicates the process of combating family and domestic crimes. The article analyzes the psychology of the subject and the object of «domestic violence», as well as its key determinants. The given research suggests possible ways of legislative and socio-political solution of the analyzed problems.
How to Cite:
Antonyan E.A., Baumshtein A.B., (2019), PSYCHOLOGICAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AS A THREAT TO THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 86-89.
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