( Pp. 88-91)

More about authors
Ulanova Ekaterina S. aspirant
State University of Management
Moscow, Russian Federation
The digitalization of society has a direct affect on many sectors of the economy. Some of them are suffering of fundamental changes, and the others affect on all processes in economy. One of such sectors is a field of payments and payment systems. There are a lot of global changes as in retail, so in large-value payment system, which transformed not only the bank field, but have an immediate impact on the economy. The waves of society digitalization implicate the state and technological companies in a scaled, global reorganization of payment’s field. We can observe not only the changes in the basical principles and rules of payment system, but see the birth of new methods and the appearance of new participants in payment system. The aim of this work is a detection of economic and social impact of waves digitalization influence on the financial sector and payment systems, especially. The urgency of this research is predestinated by some functions of payment systems in global economy - as the great accelerator of all economic processes and fundamental element of economy. Materials and methods. The methodological base of this work are modern scientific methods of research, including some methods of bibliographic and logic analysis, synthesis, dialectical method, systematic analyze and systematic approach. Results. The main results of performed analysis are: detection of social and economic effect of payment digitalization, description of payment systems digitalization genesis and the final conclusion about the mature of technology of disturbed register and its ready for been working in the real sector of economy for creating a new payment system infrastructure. Summary. The genesis of digitalization payment systems and services is connected directly with the waves of digitalization in society. The experience of blockchain consortiums say to us, that this technologies are ready for penetration in the payment’s sphere and the opportunity to receive more vivid social and economic impact after that installation in the next years.
How to Cite:
Ulanova E.S., (2019), THE IMPACT OF WAVES OF DIGITALIZATION ON THE PAYMENT SYSTEMS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 88-91.
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