( Pp. 79-87)

More about authors
Grinko Elena L. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent kafedry «Finansy i kredit»
Sevastopol State University Alesina Natalya V. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent kafedry «Finansy i kredit»
Sevastopol State University Bubnova Anastasia M. aspirant kafedry «Finansy i kredit»; specialist-ekspert Mezhregionalnogo upravleniya Federalnoy sluzhby po finansovomu monitoringu po Respublike Krym i gorodu federalnogo znacheniya Sevastopolyu
Sevastopol State University; the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, the Regional division in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
The article analyzes the current state, problems and opportunities for improvement the infrastructure mortgages legal regulation in the Russian Federation, the legal basis of the public-private partnership (PPP) and the mortgage lending has been learned. The attention is focused on the legal relations study and implementation problems of the infrastructure mortgage mechanism in the process financing system creating of the regional infrastructure building and reconstruction in Russia. The General scientific research methods has been used as methods of research in the article, including logical and comparative legal methods, as well as other methods of phenomena and processes cognition of the objective reality. The research has showed that the legislative regulation of the mortgage lending in the Russian Federation as a financing mechanism is still being developed, the regulation of the PPP mechanism is being actively expanded the scope. However, PPP has significant problematic aspects and contradictions of regulation, which complicates the process of the infrastructure mortgage development as a stimulating economic growth tool. The comprehensive vision of the legal nature problems which form the obstacles of economical, organizational, legal and financial character and inhibit the development of the infrastructure mortgage mechanism application in Russia has been proposed.
How to Cite:
Grinko E.L., Alesina N.V., Bubnova A.M., (2018), THE FEATURES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE MORTGAGE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 79-87.
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