( Pp. 49-53)

More about authors
Bondar Anton Gennadievich Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement Organization, police captain.
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The article is devoted to the main reasons and conditions that cause corruption crimes and form the basis for the creation of corruption manifestations in the activities of officials of the apparatus of public services and departments. The article also discusses the impact of socio-economic factors that can act as determinants of corrupt behavior of citizens, individual entrepreneurs and officials of commercial organizations. In this paper, the author conducts an empirical study based on an analysis of which highlights the main determinants of the corrupt involvement of various subjects of public relations in illegal activities with the criminal-legal color of “corruption”. The article analyzes and highlights a number of factors hindering the effective work of specialized services and departments in identifying and solving corruption crimes. According to the results of the study, the author concludes the main conclusions and proposals aimed at improving the anti-corruption strategy in general, by intensifying the fight against it through the tools currently available and proposed in this work.
How to Cite:
Bondar A.G., (2019), MAIN DETERMINANTS OF CORRUPTION CRIMES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 49-53.
Reference list:
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