( Pp. 267-269)

More about authors
Protopopova Irina A. aspirant; Specialist po metodologii kadrovogo deloproizvodstva
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under The Government of The Russian Federation; X5 Retail Group
The article discusses the importance of public legal interest for labor legislation, provides forms of manifestation of public legal interest, factors affecting its formation. The author concluded that the public legitimate interest is expressed through legal norms that define the limits for the realization of the interests of the employee and the employer. The author draws attention to the economic and political factors that influence the formation of public legitimate interest. The article concludes that not all labor law rules allow an employee and an employer to establish a balance of interests, and, above all, long-standing rules of law require a review. Based on an analysis of the norms of the institution of an employment contract, it is concluded that public legitimate interest should establish new rules for changing non-contractual terms of an employment contract. This would soften labor laws and free employers from creating artificial organizational or technological changes in working conditions. The article has both theoretical and practical significance.
How to Cite:
Protopopova I.A., (2019), PUBLIC INTERESTS IN LABOUR LAW. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 267-269.
Reference list:
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public legitimate interest, limits to the implementation of private legitimate interests in labor law, passive participation of the state, a gap in labor legislation.

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