( Pp. 70-71)

More about authors
Ashkhotova Liana Arkadievna Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Police Captain, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law Enforcement Organization of the North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch), Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The article presents an analysis of the criminal phenomenon, which is very important for the modern development of the world community - transnational organized crime. The author comes to the conclusion that, taking into account the serious changes that are occurring in the modern world in the context of globalization, informatization and digitalization of many processes, it seems particularly relevant to explore the theoretical and legal foundations of transnational organized crime. Based on the analysis of international legal acts, a conclusion was made on the content of the notion «transnational organized crime», the characteristic features of the specified criminal phenomenon were determined.
How to Cite:
Ashkhotova L.A., (2019), TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME: CONCEPT AND FEATURES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 70-71.
Reference list:
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