( Pp. 212-215)

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Novikov Ivan A. aspirant
Kazan Federal University
Task. The relevance of the topic of integrity of participants in enforcement proceedings is due to the need to improve the efficiency of this type of law enforcement. Most research in this area is devoted to the problems of enforcement, while the issues of incentives for voluntary execution at the monographic level, in the scientific domestic and foreign literature, practically not considered. The author turned to this topic in order to analyze the possibility of the principle of good faith applied in civil law to relations in enforcement proceedings, which will allow to apply more widely the method of stimulation to the execution of court decisions without the use of coercive measures. Model. The author used the methods of system and complex analysis of the legal norms regulating the possibility of application of privileges in enforcement proceedings under the condition of conscientious behavior of the parties. Summary. The author comes to the conclusion that the only norm establishing privileges for conscientious behavior is article 112 Of the law on enforcement proceedings, which exempts the debtor from paying the enforcement fee in the case of voluntary performance within the prescribed period. The author proposes to consolidate the principle of good faith of the parties of enforcement proceedings as one of the basic principles and to specify it in the legislation on enforcement proceedings. The scope of the study. Subsequent use of the results of scientific work is possible in a deeper scientific study of the problems of stimulation in enforcement proceedings. Practical importance. The practical significance of the work lies in the proposed by the author improvement of the legislation and their application in law enforcement practice. Originality / value. This work is intended for teachers and students of higher education institutions in the field of «jurisprudence» as well as for practicing lawyers involved in the field of enforcement proceedings
How to Cite:
Novikov I.A., (2018), GOOD FAITH CONDUCT OF THE DEBTOR AS THE BASIS FOR BENEFITS IN ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 212-215.
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