( Pp. 258-261)

More about authors
Fathutdinova Albina M. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent Departamenta pravogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government
The subject of research in this article is the development of legal legislation governing relations in the field of business in connection with the development of the digital economy. Purpose and objectives: to reveal the legal regime in the process of emergence and development of entrepreneurial activity, as well as the formation of complex legal regulation, new relations in connection with the development of digitalization. Conclusion: the author substantiates the conclusion that at the present stage it is necessary not only to improve, but also to develop new legislative acts that would call for further development of measures to increase the availability of various services for citizens through the use of new technologies, tax incentives, legalization of «cloud» electronic signature. It is proved that digitalization has led to a change in the usual formats of relationships. The study proves that there is a need for new approaches to legal regulation in order to protect all participants of legal relations in the digital economy. Originality and meaning. Currently, work is underway in the direction of the removal of various barriers to further development of the economy, for the gradual and purposeful regulation of markets of the future, creating a legislative process of the new sample.
How to Cite:
Fathutdinova A.M., (2019), LEGAL REGULATORY ISSUES DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 258-261.
Reference list:
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