( Pp. 34-39)

More about authors
Ekaterina A. Sviridova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Active uses in a business area of new channels the Internet - communications, including hashtags and hyperlinks, can lead to violation of the exclusive rights to results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, in particular trademarks. The lack of legal regulation of such instruments of business on the Internet as hashtags and hyperlinks generates questions of establishment of criteria of prosecution of the owner of the website for placement of hyperlinks to others resources and also determination of legitimacy of use of the hashtags containing trademarks, other participants of civil circulation without the consent of the owner. The author analyzes scientific research of foreign authors of Myriam Berard, Laurent Carrière, Etienne Wery. Development of the bases of release from responsibility for use of hyperlinks acts as a research objective, I include technology of framing, and the hashtags including the intellectual property items belonging to the third parties. In article special legal methods are used (comparative and legal, legallistic, a method of the system analysis of the legal phenomena). In article the conclusion about existence of violation of the exclusive rights to the trademark only in a case use of a hashtag, similar to extent of mixture, by the third party at implementation of business activity and causing damage to the individualizing function of the trademark is drawn. It is offered at placement of hyperlinks to works without the consent of the owner for protection of copyright of the last to consider criterion of coverage of new audience.
How to Cite:
Ekaterina A.S., (2018), NEW INSTRUMENTS OF ADVANCE OF BUSINESS ON THE INTERNET: LEGAL ASPECT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 34-39.
Reference list:
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