( Pp. 145-148)
More about authors
Malysheva Elena Yu.
kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy grazhdanskogo prava
Russian State University of Justice, Volga branch Stepanova Varvara E. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
Russian State University of Justice, Volga branch
Russian State University of Justice, Volga branch Stepanova Varvara E. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
Russian State University of Justice, Volga branch
The article is dedicated to the renovation (reconstruction, restoration) of Normativism based on the realities of the modern world and the need for preparation of transfer to a «virtual» environment. The article attempts to base the renovation of the Normativism, as it is possible without integrity destruction of its design in general. Legal regulation mechanism is chosen by authors for the study of Normativism due to the traditions of Russian legal science and General arguable promises concerning LRM unity and announcement of all elements of LRM structure as legal means. In the aspect of integrative legal consciousness doctrine development three kinds of Normativism are highlighted in the present article: absolute; conditional; abstract. Various quality-substantial proportions of state and law are in the basis of this Normativism differentiation and thus are their functions. The civil law aspect of Normativism and its renovation research is due to scientific and practical preferences of the authors, the methodological conviction of deduction priority over induction, as well as a large amount of required empirical material and the possibility of objective illustration advanced theoretical theses. The following conclusions are made: first, approaches to the Normativism must be differentiated on the basis of a specific historical period; second, the qualitative diversity of Normativism happens due to the varying ratio of state and legal functions in different historical periods; third, informative quality of Normativism also depends on the real balance of economy-politics-law and their hierarchy in different historical periods.
How to Cite:
Malysheva E.Y., Stepanova V.E., (2019), TO THE QUESTION OF THE NORMATIVISM RENOVATION IN THE MECHANISM OF LEGAL REGULATION (THE CIVIL LAW ASPECT). Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 145-148.
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