Abuse of housing rights: the problems of legal qualification
( Pp. 107-117)
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Karyaginа Veronica Sergeevna
Russian State University of Justice
Kazan Branch, Kazan, Russian Federation
Russian State University of Justice
Kazan Branch, Kazan, Russian Federation
Activation of interest to the problems of subjective rights abuses in modern civil science caused major legislative changes, determines the need and timeliness refer to the study of the problems of legal qualification of abuse of the housing rights that have the heightened social significance. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive study of the most relevant theoretical and practical problems of legal qualification of abuse of subjective housing rights by the members of housing relations. Both general scientific methods (a dialectic method of knowledge, induction, deduction, analogy, analysis, synthesis) and specific methods of scientific research, including systematic and comprehensive methods of scientific knowledge were used during the writing of this article. Using the system method the peculiarities of qualification of the abuse in rem, contracts and company housing rights have been identified and also the place of the subjective right of use of the living quarters in the system of housing rights has been defined and the main types of abuse of this right have been analyzed. An integrated approach has allowed giving the comprehensive assessment of some of the scientific and law enforcement issues of abuse of housing rights. The research result has been concluded that the characteristics of the qualification of behavior of participants of housing relations as the abuse of subjective housing rights are largely due to the peculiarities of the legal regime of the object of the housing rights - the living quarters that defined as the assignment of the right to this object as well as the banning on the improper implementation of the subjective rights, which could result in the violation or loss of useful properties of this type of real estate because of the mismanagement of handling or undesignated use. This conclusion is based on the study of the legislative regulation of the limits of the implementation of the housing rights and the judicial practice of application of the relevant legal provisions in the field of civil and housing rights of modern scientific research. Scientific-theoretical results can be used for the development of the civil law theory of the subjective civil rights as well as for further research of the problem of implementation of the housing rights and the legal qualification of abuse of these rights in the process of enforcement. This article is intended for scientists, members of the judiciary and other law enforcement officials, students enrolled in the specialty "Jurisprudence".
How to Cite:
Karyaginа V.S., (2016), ABUSE OF HOUSING RIGHTS: THE PROBLEMS OF LEGAL QUALIFICATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 8 => 107-117.
Reference list:
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Perepelkina N.V. Pravovoe polozhenie nesovershennoletnikh i normy ZHilishchnogo kodeksa RF // ZHilishchnoe pravo. - 2008. - № 2. - S. 38 - 41.
Porotikova O.A. Problema zloupotrebleniya sub ektivnym grazhdanskim pravom. - M.: Volters Kluver, 2007. - 236 s.
Pchelintseva L.M. Pravo na zhilishche voennosluzhashchikh: teoreticheskie aspekty i problemy realizatsii. Avtoreferat d.yu.n. - M., 2004.
Radchenko S.D. Zloupotreblenie pravom v grazhdanskom prave Rossii. - M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
Timofeeva N.YU. Mesto zhitel stva priezzhego podopechnogo // ZHilishchnoe pravo. - 2008. - № 8. - 64 - 68.
KHusnetdinova L. K voprosu o pravakh detey na zhilye pomeshcheniya v sluchae rastorzheniya braka ikh roditeley // ZHilishchnoe pravo. - 2009. - № 7. - S. 23 - 25.
housing rights, the limits of the housing rights, abuse of the right, neighboring rights, the purpose of law, legal consequences of abuse of housing rights.
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