The Principle of good faith in housing law: issues of theory and judicial practice
( Pp. 86-95)
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Karyaginа Veronica Sergeevna
Russian State University of Justice
Kazan Branch, Kazan, Russian Federation
Russian State University of Justice
Kazan Branch, Kazan, Russian Federation
The activation of interest in modern civil science to the problems of the principles of civil law, conditioned by the legislative consolidation of the principle of good faith in the system of general principles of civil legislation, predetermines the need and timeliness of turning to the study of the role of the principle of good faith in the legal regulation of housing relations, which is of considerable interest not only for legal science, but also for law enforcement practice, as well as for the further improvement of housing legislation. The purpose of this article is to justify the need for legislative consolidation of the principle of good faith in housing law, a comprehensive study of the category of good faith in the legal regulation of housing relations and the practice of applying the relevant standards of housing legislation. During writing the article both general scientific methods (dialectical method of cognition, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy) and special methods of scientific research, including systematic and complex methods of scientific cognition, were used. The features of the content and significance of the category of good faith in all the most important types of housing legal relations (real, obligatory and corporate) are revealed by the system method, the role of the principle of good faith in the system of principles of housing law is determined, and the criteria of good faith is analyzed in relation to specific legal situations. The comprehensive method allowed to give a comprehensive assessment of some scientific and practical problems of applying the category of good faith in the legal regulation of housing relations. The result of the study was the conclusion that the objective reason for the need to incorporate the principle of good faith into the system of principles of housing law and the consolidation of housing laws as one of the main principles is the character of relations regulated by housing law a large array of which is represented by property relations, civil in nature based on legal equality, autonomy of will and property independence of participants, as well as peculiarities of the legal regulation method. The principle of good faith actively interacts with other legal principles limiting the scope of the principle of disposability, thereby ensuring a balance of interests of participants in housing legal relations. Legislative consolidation of the principle of good faith in Art. 1 "Basic Principles of Housing Legislation" of the Housing Code of Russian Federation as a whole will contribute to improving the efficiency of legal regulation of housing relations and more guaranteed protection of the rights of their participants. The principle of good faith now acquires interbranch importance and it is actively used by courts in assessing the behavior of subjects of housing legal relations. The practical importance of this principle of law is the ability to act as a criterion for the proper and inadequate exercise of rights and the fulfillment of obligations by the participants in housing legal relations. In order to improve the effectiveness of the regulatory function of the principle of good faith, it is necessary to consolidate the rules of good faith in most housing law institutions. This conclusion is based on the study of legally established requirements of good faith and judicial practice in applying the relevant legal norms, modern scientific research in the field of civil and housing law. The scientific and theoretical results of the work can be used both for the development of the civil theory of principles of civil and housing law, and for further research of problems of conscientiousness in the implementation of housing rights, in the process of law enforcement practice. The article is intended for researchers, employees of judicial and other law enforcement bodies, students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence".
How to Cite:
Karyaginа V.S., (2017), THE PRINCIPLE OF GOOD FAITH IN HOUSING LAW: ISSUES OF THEORY AND JUDICIAL PRACTICE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 86-95.
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Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 27 iyunya 2017 g. № 22 O nekotorykh voprosakh rassmotreniya sudami sporov po oplate kommunal nykh uslug i zhilogo pomeshcheniya, zanimaemogo grazhdanami v mnogokvartirnom dome po dogovoru sotsial nogo nayma ili prinadlezhashchego im na prave sobstvennosti // BVS RF. - 2017. - № 8.
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Apellyatsionnoe opredelenie SK po grazhdanskim delam CHelyabinskogo oblastnogo suda ot 21 iyunya 2016 g. po delu N 11-8391/2016 // SPS Garant .
Akimova YU.M. Printsipy mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava: Dis. kand. yurid. nauk. - M., 2015. - 210 s.; Malyushin K.A. Printsipy grazhdanskogo ispolnitel nogo prava: problemy ponyatiya i sistemy (nauch. red. V.V. YArkov). - Infotropik Media , 2011; i dr.
Komissarova E.G. Printsipy v prave i osnovnye nachala grazhdanskogo zakonodatel stva: Avtoref. dis.. dokt. yurid. nauk. - Ekaterinburg, 2002. - 47 s.; Volos A.A. Printsipy obyazatel stvennogo prava (pod red. dokt. yurid. nauk, prof. E.V. Vavilina). - M.: Statut , 2016; Prokhorko T.N. Dispozitivnost kak printsip rossiyskogo grazhdanskogo prava: Dis. kand. yurid. nauk. - Krasnodar, 2010; i dr.
Federal nyy zakon ot 30 dekabrya 2012 g. № 302-FZ O vnesenii izmeneniy v glavy 1, 2, 3 i 4 chasti pervoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii // SZ RF. - 2012. - № 53 (chast I). - St. 7627.
SHelepina E.A. Printsip dobrosovestnosti v otdel nykh vidakh grazhdanskikh pravootnosheniy // Obrazovanie i pravo . - 2016. - № 11. - s. 201 - 211.
Sorokina YU. Osobennosti priznaniya litsa dobrosovestnym priobretatelem po dogovoru kupli-prodazhi pomeshcheniya // ZHilishchnoe pravo . - 2014. - № 12.
Postanovlenii Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 23 iyunya 2015 g. № 25 O primenenii sudami nekotorykh polozheniy razdela I chasti pervoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii // BVS RF. - 2015. - № 8.
Verdiyan G.V. Dobrosovestnost kak obshchiy printsip prava: monografiya. - YURKOMPANI , 2013; ZHgulyev A.A. Dobrosovestnost pri ispolnenii obyazatel stva. - Infotropik Media , 2011.
Kurbatov A.YA., Printsip nedopustimosti zloupotrebleniya pravom: k starym problemam dobavilis novye // Zakon . - 2013. - № 9.
Zakharov A.L. Mezhotraslevye printsipy prava. Dis. kand. yurid. nauk. - Kazan , 2003.
KHasanshin R.I. Kategriya usmotrenie v grazhdanskom prave Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Dis.. kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.03. - Kazan , 2017. - 219 s.; Skudarnov A.S. Usmotrenie v protsesse realizatsii prav, svobod i obyazannostey grazhdan (i ikh ob edineniy): Dis. kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.01. - Krasnoyarsk, 2014. - 211 s.; Abushenko D.B. Sudebnoe usmotrenie v grazhdanskom protsesse: Dis.. kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.03. - Ekaterinburg, 1998. - 164 s.
Kruglyy stol zhurnala Gosudarstvo i pravo . Printsipy, predely, osnovaniya ogranicheniya prav i svobod cheloveka po rossiyskomu zakonodatel stvu i mezhdunarodnomu pravo // Gosudarstvo i pravo . - 1998. - № 7. - S. 26.
Verdiyan G.V. Dobrosovestnost kak obshchiy printsip prava: monografiya. - YURKOMPANI , 2013.
Interv yu s doktorom yuridicheskikh nauk, professorom, zaveduyushchim kafedroy grazhdanskogo prava, dekanom yuridicheskogo fakul teta MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova E.A. Sukhanovym // Zakonodatel stvo. - 1998. - № 10. - s.2.
Mikhaylov S.V. Znachenie kategorii dobrosovestnosti dlya obyazatel stvennykh otnosheniy i posledstviy nedeystvitel nosti dogovorov tsessii // Nedeystvitel nost v grazhdanskom prave: problemy, tendentsii, praktika: Sb. statey / Otv. red. M.A. Rozhkova. - M.: Statut , 2006.
Konovalov A.V. Printsip dobrosovestnosti v novoy redaktsii Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii i v sudebnoy praktike // Pravo. ZHurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki . - 2016 - № 4.
CHukreev A.A. Sub ektivnye usloviya primeneniya sanktsiy grazhdanskogo zakonodatel stva o predprinimatel skoy deyatel nosti: Dis.. kand. yurid. nauk. - Tyumen , 2003. - S. 28.
Popova A.V. Printsip dobrosovestnosti v mezhdunarodnom kommercheskom oborote: zakonodatel stvo i sudebnaya praktika Rossiyskoy Federatsii i stran-chlenov Evropeyskogo soyuza: Dis.. kand. yurid. nauk. - M., 2005. - s. 12.
Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF ot 21.04.2003 g. № 6-P Po delu o proverke konstitutsionnosti polozheniy punktov 1 i 2 stat i 167 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii v svyazi s zhalobami grazhdan O.M. Marinichevoy, A.V. Nemirovskoy, Z.A. Sklyanovoy, R.M. Sklyanovoy i V.M. SHiryaeva // Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF. - 2003. - № 3.
Obzor sudebnoy praktiki po delam, svyazannym s istrebovaniem zhilykh pomeshcheniy ot dobrosovestnykh priobretateley, po iskam gosudarstvennykh organov i organov mestnogo samoupravleniya (Utv. Prezidiumom Verkhovnogo Suda RF 1 oktyabrya 2014 g.) // BVS RF. - 2015. - № 2.
Opredelenie SK po grazhdanskim delam Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 30.08.2016 g. № 78-KG16-36 // SPS Garant .
Federal nyy zakon ot 30 dekabrya 2004 g. № 213-FZ O vnesenii izmeneniy v chast pervuyu Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii // SZ RF. - 2005. - № 1 (chast I). - St. 39.
Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF ot 8.06.2010 g. № 13-P Po delu o proverke konstitutsionnosti punkta 4 stat i 292 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii v svyazi s zhaloboy grazhdanki V.V. CHadaevoy // Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF. - 2010. - № 5.
Federal nyy zakon ot 30 dekabrya 2004 g. № 214-FZ Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel stve mnogokvartirnykh domov i inykh ob ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmeneniy v nekotorye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii // SZ RF. - 2005. - № 1 (chast I). - St. 40.
Federal nyy zakon ot 29 iyulya 2017 g. № 218-FZ O publichno-pravovoy kompanii po zashchite prav grazhdan - uchastnikov dolevogo stroitel stva pri nesostoyatel nosti (bankrotstve) zastroyshchikov i o vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty RF // SZ RF. - 2017. - № 31 (chast I). - St. 4767.
Obzor sudebnoy praktiki razresheniya del po sporam, voznikayushchim v svyazi s uchastiem grazhdan v dolevom stroitel stve mnogokvartirnykh domov i inykh ob ektov nedvizhimosti (Utv. Prezidiumom Verkhovnogo Suda RF 19 iyulya 2017 g.) // SPS Garant .
Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 27 iyunya 2017 g. № 22 O nekotorykh voprosakh rassmotreniya sudami sporov po oplate kommunal nykh uslug i zhilogo pomeshcheniya, zanimaemogo grazhdanami v mnogokvartirnom dome po dogovoru sotsial nogo nayma ili prinadlezhashchego im na prave sobstvennosti // BVS RF. - 2017. - № 8.
Federal nyy zakon ot 30.12.2004 g. № 215-FZ O zhilishchnykh nakopitel nykh kooperativakh // SZ RF. - 2005. - № 1 (chast I). - st. 41.
Apellyatsionnoe opredelenie SK po grazhdanskim delam CHelyabinskogo oblastnogo suda ot 21 iyunya 2016 g. po delu N 11-8391/2016 // SPS Garant .
principle of law, the basic principles of housing legislation, the principle of good faith, the principle of optionality, housing legal relations, proprietary relationship, debt relationship, corporate relations, the implementation of housing rights, the criteria of good faith.
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