Political crime in contemporary Russia and its prevention
( Pp. 17-21)

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Aisha A. Gadzhieva Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor, associate professor of the Crimila law and State law Disciplines Department, . Hirsh Index - 8
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to problems of fight against political crime of the authorities against their own people. It defines the General notion of political crime, and is the most dangerous kind - political crime of the highest echelons of power, which is based on corruption motivation. It is stated that the selection of this group of political crimes in a separate type of crime, and, above all, the separation of these types of offences under corruption legislation. Proposed to distinguish between the criminal and the criminological concept of this type of crime. Developed and proposed measures for the prevention of the political crime of the authorities against their own people. Purpose: to investigate crimes committed by representatives of power structures against their own people, to draw the attention of the legislator to the necessity of unified approaches to combat political offences of this type. The study was conducted using the following methods: analysis and generalization of available on the problem of research, study of news, comparative analysis, and sociological methods unit (population surveys, interviews with law enforcement officers). The scope of the results. The results can be applied in the prevention of political crimes in the first place, with corrupt motivation in legislative activities aimed at improving the criminal law, in teaching practice higher education institutions and also in educational process in the law faculties.
How to Cite:
Aisha A.G., (2017), POLITICAL CRIME IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA AND ITS PREVENTION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 17-21.
Reference list:
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political crime, the crimes of the authorities, the fight against political crimes.

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