To the question about the legal nature and ways of improvement of state finance-budget control in Russia
( Pp. 89-97)
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Klepikov Sergey Konstantinovich
Moscow state law university named after O.E.Kutafin
Moscow state law university named after O.E.Kutafin
Relevance of a subject of research. The state financial control in the budget sphere - one of policy tools of the budget policy, the key lever of the financial mechanism of public administration. Availability of considerable resources at the state cause need of the organization of the financial and budget control at the high level for the purpose of their rational and reasonable use. In modern Russia, regulation of the state financial and budget control causes a set of problems that far do not promote effective implementation of the state financial and budget control. In Russia, the sufficient number of the state regulatory authorities works today in the financial and budget sphere which interaction and coordination of actions are still not adjusted. Speaking about effective system of the state financial and budget control where all its parts would work well-coordinated and provided accomplishment of the same tasks - control of completeness and timeliness of forming of public funds, safety of efficiency and a target expenditure of public means, legality and productivity of their use - it is to some extent difficult. Consequences of world financial crisis of 2008 and new wave of universal economic instability also determine obvious relevance of a problem of effective and productive state financial and budget control, the last as not end in itself, but obligatory part of system of regulation which purpose is identification of deviations from the existing standards and violations of the principles of legality, efficiency and economy of an expenditure of appliances at perhaps earlier stage that there was a possibility of application of the adjusting measures, compensations of the caused damage, carrying out actions for prevention or reduction of number of such violations in the future and involvement of perpetrators to responsibility. The research purpose consists in consideration of questions of the theory and problems of practice of implementation of the state financial and budget control in Russia, in reasons for content of the state financial and budget control, determination of the main problems of legal regulation of the state financial and budget control in Russia, the offer of certain methods of the decision of the last. Methodology. In this work the dialectic method of knowledge, both system general and private scientific methods, in particular the analysis and synthesis, historical and legal and comparative and legal, formally logical and others have been used. Conclusions. The state financial and budget control is an independent type of the state financial control, and has the nature, similar to the state financial control. However, in view of specifics of the state financial and budget control which consist, first of all, in control of the state resources, and that, as a rule, the purposes of under control objects match the purposes of subjects of control, to identify it with other types of the state financial control, such as currency, tax, insurance, not truly. Strengthening of preliminary financial and budget control will significantly increase possibilities of the state on counteraction and prevention of administrative and other violations. The changes in part of delegation of power of Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision happening now on internal control state financial budget to Federal Treasury positively will affect implementation of the state financial and budget control in the Russian Federation, taking into account the existing powers of Federal Treasury on implementation of preliminary control. It is offered to enshrine standardly in Art. 6 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation determination of the state financial and budget control which is understood as "standardly regulated activities of specially authorized bodies for control of observance of regulations of the budget legislation and the bylaws regulating the budget legal relationship within the budget process, for an efficiency evaluation of public management realizing the budget policy of the state in the budget sphere performed for the purpose of the prevention and suppression of offenses in the course of performance of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, establishment of legality of performance of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, reliability of results of the made accounting and the reporting". Practical value. Results of research can be useful in activities of state bodies and local government bodies.
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Byudzhetnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ
Lagutin I.B. O stanovlenii instituta finansovogo kontrolya v Rossii: k 200-letiyu Gosudarstvennogo kontrolya// Finansovoe pravo - 2011 - №3.
Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 02.02.2016 № 41 O nekotorykh voprosakh gosudarstvennogo kontrolya i nadzora v finansovo-byudzhetnoy sfere
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 03.03.1998 № 224 (red. ot 25.07.2000) Ob obespechenii vzaimodeystviya gosudarstvennykh organov v bor be s pravonarusheniyami v sfere ekonomiki //SPS Konsul tantPlyus .
Otchet o rezul tatakh deyatel nosti Rosfinnadzora za 2014 god// Ofitsial nyy sayt Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora v seti internet: podrazdelenie/
Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 01.12.2004 № 703 (red. ot 25.12.2015) O Federal nom kaznacheystve // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.02.2016 № 41 O nekotorykh voprosakh gosudarstvennogo kontrolya i nadzora v finansovo-byudzhetnoy sfere // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Federal nyy zakon ot 23.07.2013 N 252-FZ(red. ot 29.12.2015) O vnesenii izmeneniy v Byudzhetnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Postanovlenie Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 03.07.2015 N 5-AD15-20
Federal nyy zakon ot 26.12.2008 N 294-FZ (red. ot 09.03.2016) O zashchite prav yuridicheskikh lits i individual nykh predprinimateley pri osushchestvlenii gosudarstvennogo kontrolya (nadzora) i munitsipal nogo kontrolya // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Proekt Byudzhetnogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii (podgotovlen Minfinom Rossii) (ne vnesen v GD FS RF) Tekst dokumenta priveden v sootvetstvii s publikatsiey na sayte
Rasporyazhenie Pravitel stva RF ot 30.12.2013 N 2593-r Ob utverzhdenii Programmy povysheniya effektivnosti upravleniya obshchestvennymi (gosudarstvennymi i munitsipal nymi) finansami na period do 2018 goda // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Gosudarstvennyy (munitsipal nyy) finansovyy kontrol v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Teoriya, praktika, perspektivy razvitiya // elektronnyy dostup k istochniku:
Osnovnye rezul taty deyatel nosti Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora za 2014 god i zadachi na 2015 god. // Ofitsial nyy sayt Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora v seti internet: podrazdelenie/
Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 04.02.2016 N 70 quot;O poryadke kaznacheyskogo soprovozhdeniya v 2016 godu gosudarstvennykh kontraktov, dogovorov (soglasheniy), a takzhe kontraktov, dogovorov, soglasheniy, zaklyuchennykh v ramkakh ikh ispolneniya quot; (vmeste s quot;Pravilami kaznacheyskogo soprovozhdeniya v 2016 godu gosudarstvennykh kontraktov, dogovorov (soglasheniy), a takzhe kontraktov, dogovorov, soglasheniy, zaklyuchennykh v ramkakh ikh ispolneniya quot;)// SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Federal nyy zakon ot 14.12.2015 N 359-FZ O federal nom byudzhete na 2016 god // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Voznesenskiy E.A. Finansovyy kontrol v SSSR. M.: YUridicheskaya literatura. 1973.
Frolova E.E. Vidy gosudarstvennogo kontrolya v ramkakh finansovoy deyatel nosti gosudarstva// Izvestiya Irkutskoy gosudarstvennoy ekonomicheskoy akademii. 2010. № 5. S. 136-143.
Pontovich E.E. Kazna i kontrol . Gosudarstvenno-pravovaya kharakteristika finansovogo kontrolya. M., 1927.
Ovsyannikov L.N. Nuzhen li nam zakon o gosudarstvennom finansovom kontrole // Sovremennaya ekonomika i pravo. 2000. № 3. S. 23.
Frolova E.E. Gosudarstvennyy finansovyy kontrol kak element gosudarstvennogo upravleniya i finansovoy deyatel nosti gosudarstva//Akademicheskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal. 2010. № 3 (41)
Frolova E.E. Finansovyy kontrol kak forma finansovoy deyatel nosti gosudarstva//Obrazovanie i pravo. 2010. № 11.
Frolova E.E. Kontrol nye pravootnosheniya v sfere finansovoy deyatel nosti gosudarstva//Sovremennoe pravo. 2010. № 8-1
Frolova E.E. Sistema kontrol nykh pravootnosheniy finansovo-pravovogo kharaktera v sfere denezhnogo obrashcheniya//Sovremennoe pravo. 2010. № 10
Frolova E.E. Pravovye formy i soderzhanie gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya v sfere nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya//CHernye dyry v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. 2010.№ 5
L vov D. Ocherk razvitiya kassovykh i kontrol nykh uchrezhdeniy v Rossii za istekshee 25-letie // Schetovodstvo. 1889. N 17.
YAlbulganov A.L. Organizatsionno-pravovye osnovy finansovogo kontrolya v Rossiyskoy Armii (XIX- XX vv.): dis.. d-ra yurid. nauk M., 1999
Lebedev V.A. Finansovoe pravo. T. I. Spb, 1889
Rozenblyum R.I. Pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya v SSSR. M. 1953
Voznesenskiy E.A. Teoreticheskie problemy sushchnosti i organizatsii finansovogo kontrolya v SSSR. Dis.. d-ra ek. nauk. Leningrad, 1969.
SHokhin, S.O., Voronina L.I. Byudzhetno-finansovyy kontrol i audit. Teoriya i praktika primeneniya v Rossii: nauch.-metod. posobie. M.: Finansy i statistika, 1997.
Frolova E.E. Litsenzirovanie bankovskikh operatsiy kak forma gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya bankovskoy deyatel nosti (teoriya, praktika, problemy). Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata yuridicheskikh nauk/ Institut gosudarstva i prava RAN. Moskva. 2004
Bakhrakh D.N., Rossinskiy B.V., Starilov YU.N. Administrativnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlya vuzov. - M.: Norma, 2004.
Kozyrin A.N. Finansovyy kontrol // Finansovoe pravo/ Pod red. O.N. Gorbunovoy. - M.: YUrist, 1996
Gracheva E.YU. Problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya: Dis.. d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2000.
Frolova E.E. Pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya v sfere denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Monografiya/ Frolova E.E. Irkutsk, 2010
Artem eva YU.A. Rol gosudarstva v nalogooblozhenii //YUridicheskie nauki. 2012. № 2
Byudzhetnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ
Lagutin I.B. O stanovlenii instituta finansovogo kontrolya v Rossii: k 200-letiyu Gosudarstvennogo kontrolya// Finansovoe pravo - 2011 - №3.
Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 02.02.2016 № 41 O nekotorykh voprosakh gosudarstvennogo kontrolya i nadzora v finansovo-byudzhetnoy sfere
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 03.03.1998 № 224 (red. ot 25.07.2000) Ob obespechenii vzaimodeystviya gosudarstvennykh organov v bor be s pravonarusheniyami v sfere ekonomiki //SPS Konsul tantPlyus .
Otchet o rezul tatakh deyatel nosti Rosfinnadzora za 2014 god// Ofitsial nyy sayt Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora v seti internet: podrazdelenie/
Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 01.12.2004 № 703 (red. ot 25.12.2015) O Federal nom kaznacheystve // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.02.2016 № 41 O nekotorykh voprosakh gosudarstvennogo kontrolya i nadzora v finansovo-byudzhetnoy sfere // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Federal nyy zakon ot 23.07.2013 N 252-FZ(red. ot 29.12.2015) O vnesenii izmeneniy v Byudzhetnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Postanovlenie Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 03.07.2015 N 5-AD15-20
Federal nyy zakon ot 26.12.2008 N 294-FZ (red. ot 09.03.2016) O zashchite prav yuridicheskikh lits i individual nykh predprinimateley pri osushchestvlenii gosudarstvennogo kontrolya (nadzora) i munitsipal nogo kontrolya // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Proekt Byudzhetnogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii (podgotovlen Minfinom Rossii) (ne vnesen v GD FS RF) Tekst dokumenta priveden v sootvetstvii s publikatsiey na sayte
Rasporyazhenie Pravitel stva RF ot 30.12.2013 N 2593-r Ob utverzhdenii Programmy povysheniya effektivnosti upravleniya obshchestvennymi (gosudarstvennymi i munitsipal nymi) finansami na period do 2018 goda // SPS Konsul tantPlyus
Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Gosudarstvennyy (munitsipal nyy) finansovyy kontrol v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Teoriya, praktika, perspektivy razvitiya // elektronnyy dostup k istochniku:
Osnovnye rezul taty deyatel nosti Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora za 2014 god i zadachi na 2015 god. // Ofitsial nyy sayt Federal noy sluzhby finansovo-byudzhetnogo nadzora v seti internet: podrazdelenie/
Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 04.02.2016 N 70 quot;O poryadke kaznacheyskogo soprovozhdeniya v 2016 godu gosudarstvennykh kontraktov, dogovorov (soglasheniy), a takzhe kontraktov, dogovorov, soglasheniy, zaklyuchennykh v ramkakh ikh ispolneniya quot; (vmeste s quot;Pravilami kaznacheyskogo soprovozhdeniya v 2016 godu gosudarstvennykh kontraktov, dogovorov (soglasheniy), a takzhe kontraktov, dogovorov, soglasheniy, zaklyuchennykh v ramkakh ikh ispolneniya quot;)// SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
Federal nyy zakon ot 14.12.2015 N 359-FZ O federal nom byudzhete na 2016 god // SPS Konsul tantPlyus.
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