Systematization of the principles of procedural quality control of pre-trial proceedings
( Pp. 171-175)

More about authors
Shamraeva Julia Alexeevna starshiy leytenant policii, adyunkt. Mesto ucheby: Belgorodskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii imeni I.D. Putilina. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo processa.
Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D. Putilin Volchenko Anastasiya Vladimirovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Belgorod Law Institute
Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin
Belgorod, Russia Ovsyannikov Evgeny M. prepodavatel kafedry ugolovnogo processa, podpolkovnik policii
Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin Lukyanchikova Viktoriya Viktorovna
Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Belgorod, Russia
In this article, taking into account the doctrinal development of a general theory of criminal procedure of the Sciences the author's interpretation of the principles of procedural quality control of pre-production. Clarified that principles of procedural quality control in pre-trial proceedings in their entirety form a system because they are in the interaction, interdependence and interconnection. In this case, all the principles of independent and equivalent.
How to Cite:
Shamraeva J.A., Volchenko A.V., Ovsyannikov E.M., Lukyanchikova V.V., (2016), SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF PROCEDURAL QUALITY CONTROL OF PRE-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 171-175.
Reference list:
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the principle, the norm, the idea, the Foundation, the criminal process, the principles of procedural quality control pre-trial.

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