Actual problems of criminal law against non-violent sexual offences
( Pp. 60-70)

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Bimbinov Arseniy Aleksandrovich kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Mesto raboty: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy yuridicheskiy universitet imeni O.E. Kutafina (MGYuA). Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo prava. E
Moscow state law university named after O.E.Kutafin (MSLA)
This paper aims to study the problems of regulation and differentiation of criminal liability for non-violent sex offenders. The article pointed out that so far neither in practice nor in science there is no consensus on the understanding of sexual intercourse, sodomy, lesbianism, other sexual activities. There is no certainty in the content of sexual abuse. Differentiation of the criminal liability according to sex partners and a specific form of sexual contact between them looks doubtful. Some issues are of note to Article 134 of the Criminal Code. Based on theoretical assumptions and results of generalization of judicial practice the ways of solving the problems identified. In particular, article 134 of the Criminal Code is proposed to withdraw from the list of sexual acts and replace references to various forms of sexual contact general concept - sexual acts. Article 135 of the Criminal Code is proposed to add a note which establishes a legal definition of sexual abuse. In connection with the contradictions arising from the application of Note 1 to the article 134 of the Criminal Code, it is proposed to exclude the possibility of a release of a person from criminal responsibility and punishment to leave on the grounds provided by the General Part of the Criminal Code.
How to Cite:
Bimbinov A.A., (2016), ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL LAW AGAINST NON-VIOLENT SEXUAL OFFENCES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 60-70.
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sex crimes, sexual intercourse, sodomy, lesbianism, indecent assault, criminal law.

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