Some peculiarities of special force alpine-specialists training
( Pp. 452-454)

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Abazov Islam Sultanovich Police Lieutenant Colonel, senior lecturer at the Department of Internal Affairs in special conditions, North Caucasian institute of professional development (branch) Krasnodar university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
In the performance of operational and official tasks to curb the illegal actions of criminals, employees of special purpose units often have to perform tasks for solving which skills of high-altitude training are necessary. The most complex and dangerous are special operations conducted in the city. To conduct them, you need skills to penetrate high-rise buildings and structures, which can not be done without theoretical knowledge and practical skills in high-altitude training, all this should be taken into account by the head of the special operation and the commanders of tactical groups.
How to Cite:
Abazov I.S., (2018), SOME PECULIARITIES OF SPECIAL FORCE ALPINE-SPECIALISTS TRAINING. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 452-454.
Reference list:
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high-altitude assault training, special operation, fighter-climber, special release device, climbing gear, special forces unit, assault group.

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