Public control over the activities of political parties - to the question
( Pp. 13-18)
More about authors
Dolgikh Fedor I.
kand. ist. nauk, docent, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy, kafedra Teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava
Moscow Synergy University
Moscow Synergy University
He article discusses the issues associated with the concept, goal, objectives, content of public control over the activities of political parties, as well as possible forms of this type of control. The author comes to the conclusion that the need of transformation of political parties in the subject of public control and the extension to them of the relevant provisions of the Federal law "On fundamentals of public control in the Russian Federation" due to the dual nature of political parties, their role as a link between the state and society. The subject of research is public control over the activities of political parties. The scientific results can be used in the preparation of textbooks on constitutional law and theory of state and law. The article may be of interest to managers and employees of apparatuses of political parties, teachers and law students interested in the problems of legal regulation of activities of political parties.
How to Cite:
Dolgikh F.I., (2016), PUBLIC CONTROL OVER THE ACTIVITIES OF POLITICAL PARTIES - TO THE QUESTION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 13-18.
Reference list:
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Tikhomirova YU.S. Pravovye formy kontrolya deyatel nosti politicheskikh partiy: Diss.. kand. yurid. nauk. - Moskva, 2003.
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Levada-tsentr. Analiticheskiy tsentr YUriya Levady. Doverie institutam vlasti. URL:
Vserossiyskiy tsentr izucheniya obshchestvennogo mneniya (VTSIOM). Odobrenie deyatel nosti obshchestvennykh institutov URL: deyatelnosti obshhestvennyx institutov/
political parties, public control over activities of political parties, the purpose of social control, the task of public control, the subject of public scrutiny, the subject of public control.
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