Features of the objective side of a crime under Art. 311 of the Criminal Code
( Pp. 172-175)

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Linevich Yan Vladimirovich adyunkt kafedry ugolovnogo prava
Ufa law institute of MIA Russia
The theme of this article is very relevant. The problem of providing state protection of participants in criminal proceedings, law enforcement officials and regulatory authorities - is a complex problem. It is solved in different ways and methods. An important place in their series belongs criminal methods of protection of these persons. This article provides the correct interpretation used in the law terms, to determine the characteristics of the offense under consideration. The subject of the study are particularly objective side of a crime under Art. 311 of the Criminal Code. The aim of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of the objective side of the offense under Art. 311 of the Criminal Code. The article provides a legal analysis of the domestic criminal legislation on the definition of the objective side of crime, provides for liability for disclosure of information about security measures applicable to judges and participants in criminal proceedings. Reveals some features characteristic of the objective side of this crime. The article gives an interpretation of grave consequences as aggravating circumstance considered a crime. Displaying mismatch between the nature occurring serious consequences (for example, the murder of the protected person, causing him grievous bodily harm), and provided for them enforceable. Proposals to improve the wording h. 2, Art. 311 of the Criminal Code.
How to Cite:
Linevich Y.V., (2015), FEATURES OF THE OBJECTIVE SIDE OF A CRIME UNDER ART. 311 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 172-175.
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the objective side of the crime, providing responsibility for disclosure of information about security measures, applicable to judges and participants in criminal proceedings, disclosure of information about security measures, serious consequences.

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