( Pp. 120-126)

More about authors
Rybkina Kristina Vladimirovna Dolzhnost: sekretar sudebnogo zasedaniya.
Arbitration Court of the Chuvash Republic
The article presents the main conclusions of the study programs for the development of the judiciary and implementation of e-justice, identified the most significant problems proposed their solution by upgrading the approaches to the judicial system and the process under the domination of the idea of a contractual state, shows the extensive relationship of public administration with different socio-economic and legal phenomena.
How to Cite:
Rybkina K.V., (2018), ELECTRONIC JUSTICE AS A NEW SYSTEM IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 120-126.
Reference list:
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e-justice, management of organizations, the judicial system, the structure of the court, public administration, legal services.

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