Criminalistics theory of reflection in the post-Soviet period
( Pp. 214-217)

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Tostolutsky Vladimir Yuryevich d-r med. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: i. o. zaveduyuschego kafedroy. Podrazdelenie: Institut ekonomiki, upravleniya i prava, kafedra ugolovno-pravovyh disciplin.
Volga State University of Water Transport Mineeva Tatiana Germanovna Dr. Sci.(Law), Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Migunova Tatiana Leonidovna Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Head of the Theory and History of State and Law Department, Institute of Management, Economics and Law
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The article discusses the development of the criminalistics theory of reflection in the post-Soviet period. The necessity is proved, on the one hand, of preserving the created R.S. Belkin's theory of reflection. The authors of the article consider it necessary to limit the theory of reflection to criminalistics technology, since it studies the objective stage of reflection. A concept is proposed that summarizes the ideas of R.S. Belkina. The proposal is to apply the Hegelian scheme of cognition to the forensic theory of reflection, when the subjective stage of reflection is the beginning of cognition. The literature is analyzed in which the position of R.S.Belkina is criticized. The unconstructiveness of the statements of opponents R.S. Belkina. The main drawback of criticism by opponents of the theory of reflection is that no alternative to the existing criminalistics theory is proposed. The false thesis is refuted that in the Soviet period of the development of criminalictics science, the philosophy of dialectical materialism impeded private legal sciences. On the example of criminalisticsscience it is shown that the theory of advanced reflection neurophysiologist P.K. Anokhin could be used as the epistemological basis of forensic tactics and methods of investigation of certain types of crimes. A comparison of the Soviet period in the development of criminalistics science with the post-Soviet period allows us to identify the relationship between the dominant scientific paradigm and private forensic theory. It is noted that the presence of a connection in the Soviet period with a dominant philosophical position (dialectical materialism) provided the necessary condition for the development of any particular science for that time - unity with other humanitarian and natural sciences, in this case, forensic science. This happened against the background of lack of competition from other sections of criminalistics, since they did not create concepts that lay claim to the level of philosophical generalization The achievements of previous generations of criminalistics scientists in the field of the theory of knowledge should not be rejected indiscriminately. In the post-Soviet period of development, the criminalistics theory of reflection is improved and supplemented by a Hegelian sequence of knowledge, in which the subjective stage of reflection begins.
How to Cite:
Tostolutsky V.Y., Mineeva T.G., Migunova T.L., (2020), CRIMINALISTICS THEORY OF REFLECTION IN THE POST-SOVIET PERIOD. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 214-217.
Reference list:
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criminalistics theory of reflection, post-Soviet period, Hegel's knowledge scheme.

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