Historical Aspect of the Institute of Subordination in Bankruptcy Law: «Soft» and «Hard» Model of Subordination
( Pp. 301-306)

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Zaytsev Viktor V. Yuridicheskiy institut
Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Moscow, Russian Federation Rusakova Ekaterina Petrovna Dr.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor
Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Moscow, Russia
The relevance of the article is dictated by the fact that the institution of subordination in the bankruptcy law of Russia is at an early stage of development, the lack of legislative regulation, controversy, and unresolved issues. The author has set a goal to study the historical development of subordination in Russia, as well as to study the experience of development in foreign countries, in particular in Germany and Austria. The tasks include the analysis of the formation of subordination in Russia, the study of judicial practice that initiated the application of subordination of requirements in Russia. Also, the study of the subordination models of Germany and Austria as the most influential on the formation of subordination in Russia. The author concludes that the beginning of the development of subordination in Russia was laid down by the judicial practice of Russian courts, the intermediate link that consolidated subordination and approved a few rules for the application of subordination is the Review of Judicial Practice adopted by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 29.01.2020, which consolidated the Austrian model of subordination.
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Institute of subordination, subordination of claims, loan of a member of the company, affiliated persons.

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