( Pp. 147-152)

Purpose and tasks. Judgment of corruption and corruption crimes began in Russian science relatively recently, leaving until now debatable many terminological aspects, qualification signs of these phenomena. The Russian legislation also does not show uniform approach to their treatment. The purpose and tasks of this article consist in specification of specifics of crimes of corruption orientation in the context of such aspects as typology, structure and dangers of manifestation of different types of acts, the mechanism of realization of corruption crime. Conclusions. The conducted research allowed to define corruption crimes as the multidimensional phenomenon having complex structure and variable manifestations. On the basis of the analysis of standard approaches and studying of scientific sources the main qualifying signs of corruption crimes are systematized and substantially disclosed, their prevalence in the Russian society in the current conditions is studied. Special attention in article is paid to such type of crimes as bribery. Peculiar features of the identity of the criminal committing corruption crimes in the Russian Federation are marked out. Practical value and social consequences. The present article makes a contribution to specification of peculiar features and signs of the corruption crimes (latency, personal characteristics of subject structure, etc.) increasing in the current conditions complexity and variability of criminal actions and ways of leaving from criminal liability. Their accounting in practice will allow to increase production efficiency on similar affairs, identification and disclosure of situations of corruption. The analysis which is carried out by the author also allowed to allocate a number of the gaps existing in the field of legal regulation which elimination will promote further more effective definition of measures of anti-corruption and prevention of this negative phenomenon. Originality. The author reasons inexpediency of use of restrictive approach to interpretation of corruption crimes and their classification and also need of manifestation of system approach to their regulation and determination of specifics in the context of multiple elements, since entering of specifications into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then harmonizing contents at the level of federal acts, departmental documents and recommendations. The author made the proposal on establishment of the exhaustive list of corruption crimes and their classification with a support on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation system and its sections. Need of leaving from extremely difficult formulations and lists to simpler is proved (differentiation on crimes in social, economic and political spheres) that, according to the author, will allow to simplify process of qualification of corruption crimes.
How to Cite:
Efimenko A.E., (2019), SPECIFICS OF CRIMES OF CORRUPTION ORIENTATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 147-152.
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