Some aspects of improving legislation in the field of security of participants in Russian criminal proceedings
( Pp. 179-182)

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Isayev Azer E. aspirant kafedry ugolovnogo processa
Saratov State Academy of Law
Purpose This paper analyzes certain norms of the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts regulating various issues related to ensuring the state of protection of subjects of criminal proceedings. The study of these norms in the legislation needs to identify gaps and other shortcomings, with the aim of developing and providing new legal remedies, which can eliminate the drawbacks and to improve the security of participants in criminal proceedings and other persons involved in this field, but does not have a specific procedural status. Methodology In the study, the author used a set of General scientific and private scientific methods of cognition, which include the following: system method, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparative legal, formal legal and others. Findings The author comes to the conclusion that the separate norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation investigated by him, connected with safety ensuring, have the gaps reducing degree of protection of subjects of criminal proceedings. These gaps can be eliminated by introducing the amendments proposed by the author to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts. Originality / value This paper proposes to improve the Russian legislation. The new legal norms developed by the author can be applied by subjects of realization of the right in the sphere of criminal proceedings for increase of level of safety of its participants.
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