( Pp. 165-168)

In article a criminal assessment is given to separate problem aspects in understanding of such motive of crimes as "other low motives". It is shown how the studied sign of the subjective party of crime was reflected in Criminal codes of the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods. The scientific analysis of doctrinal understanding of "other low motives" is carried out as constructive sign of the crimes provided by Article 153 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Substitution of the Child" and Article 155 "Disclosure of Secrecy of Adoption (Adoption)" the position of the supreme judicial authority of Russia in interpretation of the law is stated. The author proposes own solution of the stated problems in criminal assessment of "other low motives" and concludes that the motive of crime investigated in article demands carrying out further theoretical researches and solution of the problems, as at the legislative level, and explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Undolskaya I.V., (2019), «OTHER LOW MOTIVES» AS MOTIVE OF CRIMES ON THE EXISTING CRIMINAL CODE OF RUSSIA. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 165-168.
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