Patterns of Competition of Criminal Law Norms on Exemptionfrom Punishment
( Pp. 329-335)

More about authors
Andrianov Vladimir Konstantinovich Cand.Sci.(Law), senior researcher at the Center for justice research
Russian State University of Justice
Moscow, Russia
Problem statement. The current version of Chapter 12 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996 has seven types of exemption from punishment. Such a variety of criminal law norms on exemption from punishment often creates in practice a situation of competition between them, in which there is a need to choose the norm to be applied. Such competition is also intensified by those types of exemption from punishment that are outside this chapter (Articles 73, 84, 85, 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The purpose of writing the article. This article is aimed at identifying cases of possible competition of criminal law norms on exemption from punishment and substantiating the rules for its resolution. Conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to substantiate the legal and factual approach to the choice of the norm on exemption from punishment to be applied and to formulate general and particular rules for resolving competition between the norms on exemption from punishment.
How to Cite:
Andrianov V.K., (2022), PATTERNS OF COMPETITION OF CRIMINAL LAW NORMS ON EXEMPTIONFROM PUNISHMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 329-335.
Reference list:
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patterns of criminal law, legal facts in criminal law, competition of criminal law norms, release from punishment, conditional conviction.

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