( Pp. 206-209)
More about authors
Vasiliev Stanislav Alexandrovich
kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra «Konstitucionnoe i administrativnoe pravo».
Sevastopol State University Burtsev Alexander Konstantinovich kand. med. nauk. Dolzhnost: pervyy prorektor.
Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Academy of Postgraduate Education
Sevastopol State University Burtsev Alexander Konstantinovich kand. med. nauk. Dolzhnost: pervyy prorektor.
Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Academy of Postgraduate Education
The development of public relations related to the use of technologies for the diagnosis and editing of the human genome entails a number of ethical and legal disputes. Law is always at the center of a conflict: on the one hand, it should at least not interfere with scientific development, and on the other, it must ensure and protect human rights. In the world doctrine of recent years, you can find a large amount of literature on the need to introduce various kinds of restrictions for interference in the human genome. With the unconditional need to take into account such concerns, it is necessary to develop reasonable measures to deter the overly ambitious developments of individual doctors. The basic foundations of such activities are laid in international legal regulation, which to a greater extent does not concern Russian reality, but lays the foundation for the development of diagnostics and editing of the human genome.
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Reference list:
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Zong Z. Should post-trial provision of beneficial experimental interventions be mandatory in developing countries // Med Ethics. 2008. № 34. S. 188-192.
Vasil ev G.S. Na puti k kiborgam: otechestvennoe zakonodatel stvo o klonirovanii // Zakon. 2016. № 9. S. 153-162.
Konventsiya o zashchite prav cheloveka i chelovecheskogo dostoinstva v svyazi s primeneniem dostizheniy biologii i meditsiny: Konventsiya o pravakh cheloveka i biomeditsine (ETS № 164) ot 4 aprelya 1997 goda (red. ot 27 noyabrya 2008 goda) // SPS Konsul tant plyus . URL: req doc base INT n 16890 05571781886824474. (dataobrashcheniya - 14 marta 2019 goda).
Kashanina T.V. Struktura prava: monografiya. M.: Prospekt, 2012.
Kremlyeva O.K. Pravovye osnovy regulirovaniya meditsinskoy deyatel nosti (Meditsinskoe pravo): uchebnoe posobie. - SPb.: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. ekonomicheskogo un-ta, 2018. - 71 s.
Levoshenko V.S. Novyy aspekt v mezhdunarodnoy zashchite prav cheloveka: etika i biomeditsina // Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: YUridicheskie nauki. 2000. № 2. S. 135-142.
Ofitsial nyy sayt Mezhdunarodnoy organizatsii po izucheniyu genoma cheloveka (HUGO). URL: http://www. (data obr.- 18 dekabrya 2018 g.).
Sashko S.YU. Meditsinskoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov / S.YU. Sashko, L.V. Kochorova. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 350 s.
Taras yants E. Iskusstvennaya inseminatsiya v svete resheniy Evropeyskogo suda po pravam cheloveka // Pretsedenty Evropeyskogo suda po pravam cheloveka. 2017. № 9. S. 70-81.
Andanda P., Schroeder D., Chaturvedi S., Mengesha E., Hodges T. Legal frameworks for benefit sharing: From biodiversity to human genomics // Benefit Sharing: From Biodiversity to Human Genetics. 2013. S. 33-64.
Aoi T. Put k klinicheskomu primeneniyu plyuripotentnykh stvolovykh kletok cheloveka // Teray S., Suda T. (red.) Gennaya terapiya i kletochnaya terapiya cherez pechen . - Tokio: Springer, 2016. S. 95-103.
Baylis F., Ikemoto L. The Council of Europe and the prohibition on human germline genome editing // EMBO Reports. 2017. № 18(12). S. 2084-2085.
Chadwick R., Berg K. Solidarity and equity: new ethical frameworks for genetic databases // Sci Soc. 2001. № 2. S 318-321.
Egli D., Zuccaro M., Kosicki M. et al. Inter-homologue repair in fertilized human eggs // BioRxiv. 2017. URL: (data obrashcheniya - 28 fevralya 2019 g.).
HUGOEthicsCommittee (2000) Statement on benefit-sharing, 9 April // Ofitsial nyy sayt Mezhdunarodnoy organizatsii po izucheniyu genoma cheloveka (HUGO). URL: shar-ing 2000.pdf. (data obrashcheniya - 17 noyabrya 2018 g.).
Loukogeorgakis S.P., De Coppi P. Concise Review: Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells: The Known, the Unknown, and Potential Regenerative Medicine Applications // Stem Cells 2017. № 35(7). S. 1663-1673.
Ma H., Marti-Gutierrez N., Park S.W. et al. // Nature. 2017. № 548. S. 413-419.
Macpherson C.C. Global bioethics: did the universal declaration on bioethics and human rights miss the boat // Med Ethics. 2007. № 33. S. 588-590.
Munson R., Davies L.H. Germ-Line Gene Therapy and the Medical Imperative // Kennedy Inst Ethics. 1992 № 2(2). J. 137-158, 142.
Sutter P.D. (2017) The use of new genetic technologies in human beings // Ofitsial nyy sayt Parlamentskoy assamblei Soveta Evropy. URL: http://assembly. nw/xml/XRef/Xref-DocDetails-en.asp FileID 23730 lang en. (data obr.- 28 fevralya 2019 g.).
SykoraP.,CaplanA. Sovet Evropy ne dolzhen podtverzhdat zapret na redaktirovanie genoma zarodyshevoy linii u cheloveka // EMBO. 2017. № 18. S. 1871-1872.
UNESCO, IBC. Report of the IBC on Updating its Reflection on the Human Genome and Human Rights. 2 October 2015, SHS/YES/IBC-22/15/2 REV.2, para 118.
Zong Z. Should post-trial provision of beneficial experimental interventions be mandatory in developing countries // Med Ethics. 2008. № 34. S. 188-192.