The philosophical category of "movement" and the legal regulation of public relations in the field of economic activity
( Pp. 28-33)

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Abramov Sergey G. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The article aims to explore the definition of "movement" in the applied aspect. This direction is studied by S. Gavrilets. To successfully highlight possible problems, the author used general scientific research methods: content analysis, extrapolation, systematization and synthesis of methods, assessment of trends in retrospective and prospective plans. Special legal methods were used: formal legal method, methods of interpreting law (grammatical, systematic, functional, logical), legal prognosis. The methodology allowed conducting an interdisciplinary research and formulating conclusions with a focus on solving problems of legal science. Findings. The author chose the biological and social forms of the movement of matter. Identified immanent characteristics of the category of "movement" and analyzed in relation to business law. Described their relationship with the subjects of public relations (the processes of will), the mutual relationship in the form of rights and obligations (in the form of the actions of subjects in the field of performance of labor functions or mental activity). It is asserted that such processes and actions are determined by physical, biological constants and laws. It is concluded that the subject of regulation of law should include human activity in the form of labor or materialized thinking in the sphere of social production. Such relationships in the form of types of obligations should be included in the subject matter of private, business or public law. In addition, it is predicted that in the future legal regulation may be subject to internal mental processes without acts of will. The results obtained can be used in the lawmaking process in reforming private law, business law, as well as in the implementation of state legal policy in the field of business activity of economic agents. Application of the formulated proposals will allow to legitimize the actions of public authority in the sphere of politics and economics. The work is intended for specialists in private and public law, as well as specialists who carry out legislative activities in the field of legal regulation of economic activity.
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Reference list:
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