Internal factors in the transformation of the judicial system
( Pp. 172-175)

More about authors
Timoshenko Andrey Anatolyevich docent. Dolzhnost: professor
University of Public Prosecutions of Russian Federation
A task. The article considers the issue of theoretical development of factors that must be taken into account when planning measures for judicial reform. The author pays special attention to a group of internal factors characterizing the internal structure of the law enforcement system, as well as determining the nature of the relationship of its elements. This approach will allow a broader look at the processes taking place inside the aforementioned bodies, which in many respects inhibit any progressive undertakings of the country's leadership. It should be noted that the terms “transformation” and “judicial and law enforcement activity” used in the article are considered as commonly used to develop tools for implementing a broad judicial reform. Findings. Having examined the extremely general key factors of the transformation of the judicial and law enforcement system, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to carry out further scientific research in order to determine the educational level of judges and law enforcement officials, study the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of their activities, and identify other complex problems that characterize the structure of these bodies. Particular attention should be paid to the ongoing processes of digitalization of the state apparatus. Having studied the financing conditions for law enforcement agencies, it was concluded that there has been a qualitative increase in investments in the organization of the law enforcement system from 2000 to the present. Scientific and practical value. The results of the study conducted by the author can be used to build models of judicial reform as part of a scenario analysis of the development of complex socio-economic systems. Originality. For the first time, taking into account the need to build scenarios for the development of the future judicial reform, the author analyzes the internal factors affecting the implementation of bills aimed at changing the judicial and law enforcement system. It is noted that the structure of this system in itself is a complex factor in its transformation, which should be taken into account when considering any options for changes in the organization of judicial and law enforcement activities.
How to Cite:
Timoshenko A.A., (2019), INTERNAL FACTORS IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 172-175.
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