( Pp. 86-88)

More about authors
Kudryavtseva Larisa V. Associate Professor of the Department of International Private and Business Law
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Krasnodar, Russian Federation Voloshin Sergei Sergeyevich magistrant
Kuban state Agrarian University named after I.T.Trubilin Rudchik Anna Anatolyevna magistrant
Kuban state Agrarian University named after I.T.Trubilin
This article assesses the prospects of implementation of the family policy in the Russian Federation. The study of the causes of the crisis of the institution of the family in modern society, their occurrence, impact on social institutions and ways to overcome it. The paper also discusses measures to support families in the Russian Federation, the importance and influence of the state on the modern institution of the family and its role. The analysis of property and personal non-property relations in the sphere of family policy in Russia is carried out. The authors conclude that the future development of the country and its people depends on the family policy. The family, as the basis of any state, has a direct impact on the social, economic and cultural spheres of society. Issues of family well-being and its spiritual and moral state should be the most important task of the state to improve the quality of life in the country.
How to Cite:
Kudryavtseva L.V., Voloshin S.S., Rudchik A.A., (2019), LEGAL ASPECTS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY POLICY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 86-88.
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