Model and Structure of the Policy of Counteracting the Crime of Trafficking in Persons
( Pp. 287-292)
More about authors
Bekmagambetov Alimzhan B.
kand. yurid. nauk, professor
Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Nursultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Nursultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
The purpose of the research. The article discusses the issues of further modeling of the criminal policy of combating crime in the field of human trafficking. In this regard, the issues of the constituent elements in the structure of the anti-criminal state mechanism are considered. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationship between criminal and criminological policy. The author, having analyzed the research in this area, distinguishes two groups of diametrically opposite points of view of scientists: one group of opinions is the idea that criminal policy is part of the criminological one, the other point of view is the opposite. The author of this work is of the opinion about the need for further integration and interaction between various fields of knowledge, including such areas as criminology of law and criminology of criminal law (law). Based on the fundamental concepts of a number of scientists, the author of the publication presents the structure of criminological legislation in the field of combating crime related to human trafficking, and also once again draws attention to the criminogenic gap expressed in the absence of a basic anti-trafficking law. Conclusions. In accordance with the author's approach, the international and national policy, consisting of criminal law, criminal procedural, criminal executive, operational-search and forensic subsystems, should be included in the number of subsystems of the policy of combating crime related to trafficking in persons. The need for a clear reflection in the official terminological turnover within the framework of the integral conceptual and categorical apparatus of the draft Concept or the national draft of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is noted.
How to Cite:
Bekmagambetov A.B., (2021), MODEL AND STRUCTURE OF THE POLICY OF COUNTERACTING THE CRIME OF TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 287-292.
Reference list:
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Belyaeva L.I. The structure and forms of criminal policy // Actual problems of organizing the activities of bodies and institutions of the penal system. Materials of the interuniversity scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Law, Professor A.I. Zubkov and the Day of Russian Science. Ryazan, 2017.
Shalakhin I.V. On the issue of state policy in the field of limiting (preventing) crime, its relationship with criminal policy and legal policy // Bulletin of the Academy. 2011-№3.
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Zinchenko I.A., Trapitsyn A.Yu. Criminal policy: concept, problems and prospects // Bulletin of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 2011. Issue 9.
Bezverkhov A.G. Criminological foundations of criminal law prohibition // Criminological foundations of criminal law. Materials of the X Russian Congress of Criminal Law, held on May 26-27, 2016. Editor-in-chief V.S. Komissarov. Moscow: Moscow State University, 2016.
Babaev M.M., Pudovochkin Yu.E. Criminology and Criminal Law: Interaction as a Way of Survival // Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Right. - 2016-№4.
Topical issues of combating trafficking in persons in the light of modernization of legal policy: national and international legal doctrines: Monograph / under total. ed. R.V. Puzikova, A.B. Bekma-gambetova; M-in arr. and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tamb. state un-t them. G.R. Derzhavin ", Kostanay state. un-t them. A. Baitursynov. - Tambov: Publishing house of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2019 .-- 142 p.
human trafficking, policy of counteraction, legal modeling, international and national level, criminological policy.
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