Legal Procedures Subsystems of Dynamics in the Structure of the Legal Regime of Professional Activity of an Athlete
( Pp. 67-71)

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Vaskevich Vladimir Petrovich Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor of the Business and Energetics Law Department
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Kazan, Russia
The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the problem of determining the dynamics subsystem in the structure of the legal regime of professional activity of athletes. The legal regime of an athlete's professional activity contains two components: a) basic, reflecting the initial (static) position of an athlete (a group of his basic rights and obligations, independent of certain features and type of competition), b) the rights and obligations of athletes, reflecting the specifics of the order of participation in specific sporting events. It seems that what is common to all definitions of a legal procedure is its essence - performing actions in a certain order, sequentially, observing a certain algorithm, the implementation of which should lead to the desired result (outcome). The scientific value of modeling the dynamics segment in the legal regime of professional activity of athletes through the institute of legal procedures is manifested in the fact that it helps to identify the essence of professional sports activity, which reflects a constantly changing, increasingly complex and adaptable to the tasks, values and needs of society, a dynamically developing sphere of relations. Conclusions. In a broad sense, the legal procedures of the dynamics subsystem in the structure of the legal regime of an athlete's professional activity can be defined as a system of consistent actions and relationships in the field of professional sports aimed at the emergence, change, implementation or termination of the legal status of a professional athlete. These legal procedures, in turn, include various legal facts and circumstances that contribute to the transformation of the legal status of professional athletes.
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legal regime, legal regime of professional activity of an athlete, legal procedures, dynamic subsystem of the legal regime.

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