( Pp. 218-223)

More about authors
Severin Vitaly Andreevich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
In the light of the implementation of the program "Digital economy of the Russian Federation", the lawyers are tasked with legal services for completely new facilities - high-tech enterprises that were not previously the object of attention in the framework of the commodity economy. In order to determine the essence of legal work in the context of digital reality, it is important for lawyers to understand the essence of the changes that have occurred, to know the reasons hindering the innovative development in Russia, and the problems of legal support of the digital economy at the level of the organization. It is necessary to summarize the activities of the legal service in the new conditions; analyze the changes in contractual work taking into account the use of information technology. It is important to take into account the specifics of legal support of research and development and commercialization of intellectual property as the main areas of legal work in the new economy. The article is based on the author's report at the all-Russian scientific and practical forum with international participation "DIGITALIZATION-2018", Lomonosov Moscow state University, December 3-5, 2018. Section "Legal information systems in digital public administration and regulation of digital development".
How to Cite:
Severin V.A., (2019), THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF LEGAL WORK IN THE ORGANIZATIONS HIGH-TECH COMPLEX. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 218-223.
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