To the question of codification of Baltic private law in the mid-nineteenth century: the concept of scientific reception
( Pp. 16-19)

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Zeynalov Roman Gannadievich aspirant Podrazdelenie: kafedra istoriya prava i gosudarstva
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Objectives of the study: to show that one of the main consequences of the 1864 codification of ostzey private law was the change of the former position of Roman law as a source. To reveal the concept of scientific reception in the Ostzey region in the XIX century. The scope of the study covers the period of the middle and end of the XIX century. This is the period of codification of private Baltic law after the entry into force of the Code of 1864 and the consequences of this codification on the reception of private Baltic law. Practical value: the practical significance of this study is that its findings can be used in the educational process of higher education in the teaching of such disciplines as the theory of state and law and the history of law and the state. The conclusions of the study can be used in the future to study issues related to the study of the problems of primary and secondary recipes of Roman law and its impact on the development of Baltic private law in the 19th century. Methodology: the research methodology consists of comparative, formal-legal, analytical methods. This study is original. Conclusions: the Codification processes of ostzey private law in the middle of the XIX century contributed to the emergence of such a phase as scientific reception. Scholarly reception has developed in the Baltic region with two supports: - University education, which expands the teaching of Roman law in the leading scientific center of the Baltic region - Tartu (Yuryev) University; - in-depth study of Roman law by teachers themselves, through advanced training at the school of Roman law at the University of Berlin. This study is 100% original.
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Reference list:
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