Judicial fines in Russian criminal law: problems of terminology
( Pp. 167-169)

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Mikhaylov Dmitriy Olegovich Dolzhnost: sudya. Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo prava
Zheleznodorozhniy district court city of Simferopol; Russian academy of justice. Branch: Crimean branch
The relevance of the problem and the purpose of the study. The article analyzes the problem of terminology in determining the concept of" judicial fine " in the domestic criminal legislation. The relevance of this problem is predetermined by the importance of the development of optimal legislative structures, such as the choice of the term to refer to the concept of "judicial fine". The methodological basis of the work is formed by the dialectical principles of research, systemic, comparative legal and other scientific methods. The main results of the study. For the formal designation of such a measure of criminal law as a judicial fine, in order to more accurately reflect its legal nature, it is more appropriate to use the phrase "criminal law penalty of a material nature." Such theoretical construction will allow to partially neutralize the terminological contradiction in the criminal code. Scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying the relevant findings in the formation of domestic criminal policy; in the implementation of further scientific research in the designated area; in the study of criminal law in Universities and colleges. The article is intended for students, undergraduates, postgraduates, teachers of law faculties and law Schools, law enforcement officers, practicing lawyers, as well as for anyone interested in the problems of the relevant topics.
How to Cite:
Mikhaylov D.O., (2018), JUDICIAL FINES IN RUSSIAN CRIMINAL LAW: PROBLEMS OF TERMINOLOGY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 167-169.
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