Statistical characteristics of crimes against property
( Pp. 116-121)
More about authors
Storublenkova Elena Gennadievna
kand.yurid.nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra kriminologii
Moscow University of MIA Russia named after V.Ya.Kikot’ Yerin Evgeny Nikolaevich prakticheskiy sotrudnik organov vnutrennih del
Moscow University of MIA Russia named after V.Ya.Kikot’ Yerin Evgeny Nikolaevich prakticheskiy sotrudnik organov vnutrennih del
The article provides a statistical analysis of empirical data revealing the state of property crimes by regions of the Russian Federation for the three-year period 2015-2017, and also considered the state of crimes against property in countries belonging to the international regional organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The purpose of writing this article - to give a statistical description of crimes against property in the Russian Federation, to conduct a comparative analysis of statistical data on the regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries Methodology: the article is made based on an integrated, multidisciplinary approach, using a combination of scientific and special methods of research: comparative-typological, logical- analytical, formal-logical, systematic-structural, statistical. The empirical base was published by the statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of Russia, Coordination Council of Prosecutors General of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States Conclusions: Statistical indicators show a consistently high position of crimes against property in the overall structure of crime in Russia and lead to the conclusion that since 2016 there has been a positive trend of reduction of crimes against property both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in individual regions. Scope of the study: The article analyzes statistical data on the state of crimes against property in the Russian Federation and their comparison with the data of the regions of the Russian Federation and the data of the CIS countries for 2015-2017. Practical value: The article contains interesting statistical material, which, with more detailed processing, can help in criminological analysis of crimes against property. Social consequences: social consequences: increased public security and public areas. Original publication: The article was tested in the anti-plagiarism system Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named V.Ya.Kikotya ( Checking the article for originality showed the following results: borrowing 11,40%; Citing 8,05%; Originality 80,55%.
How to Cite:
Storublenkova E.G., Yerin E.N., (2018), STATISTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 116-121.
Reference list:
Bentham, J. Principles of Penal Law / J. Bentham // Works. - 1843. - № 1.