Victimological aspect of crimes related to illegal arms trafficking: problem statement
( Pp. 126-129)

More about authors
Musayev Mirza Musaevich kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra yuridicheskih disciplin
Dagestan state University. Branch: Khasavyurt branch Gadzhieva Aisha Ansarovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and State Legal Disciplines, (SAEI HE DSUNE)
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the research of a relatively new problem - victimological aspects of crimes in the sphere of illegal arms trafficking. In it, the authors have attempted to characterize the potential of victimization of crimes in the field of arms trafficking, to outline the possible range of victims of these crimes and to show what their role in the mechanism of their Commission. In the framework of the study noted that crime in the sphere of illegal turnover of weapons are with the victim position of "crimes without victims". On the basis of practical studies, the types of victims of the studied crimes are identified, with which it is proposed to build a system of victimological prevention measures. Objective: to investigate the relatively unknown aspects of such a problem as crimes in the field of illegal arms trafficking, to reveal their victimological specifics, as well as to identify priority areas of victimological prevention of these attacks. The study was conducted using the following methods: analysis and generalization of existing research on this problem, as well as related research areas, the study of press materials, the methodology of the sociological unit (population surveys, interviews with law enforcement officers). The scope of the results. The results of the work can be used in activities to prevent crimes in the field of illegal arms trafficking, in legislative activities aimed at improving legislation in the field of arms trafficking and combating its criminal part, in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions, as well as in the educational process at law faculties.
How to Cite:
Musayev M.M., Gadzhieva A.A., (2018), VICTIMOLOGICAL ASPECT OF CRIMES RELATED TO ILLEGAL ARMS TRAFFICKING: PROBLEM STATEMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 126-129.
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