( Pp. 251-253)
More about authors
Ofitserova Marina Igorevna
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation. Branch: North-West Management Institute
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation. Branch: North-West Management Institute
The aim of this study is to examine the international legal standards of dual citizenship. Currently, this is an important area for research, as in the scientific community there is no uniformity on the following issues: first, in the perception of the Institute; second, in its definition; third, in the definition of related categories. It is concluded that dual citizenship does not always arise as a result of a purposeful state policy. The reasons for its formation may be objective, independent of the will of the parties. The article analyzes the doctrinal sources, systematizes approaches to the interpretation of dual citizenship. Two main approaches to determining the content of dual citizenship are identified. International agreements concluded by the Russian Federation, as well as international legal standards of dual citizenship of foreign countries (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, great Britain, Greece, Iran, Iraq) are considered. Methodology. Were used General scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, a specially - legal methods: legal methods of modeling and forecasting; and methods of legal interpretation: grammatical, systematic, historical, functional. This explains the peculiarities of the institution of dual citizenship in different States, as well as the legal status of persons with dual citizenship.
How to Cite:
Ofitserova M.I., (2019), INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STANDARDS OF DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 251-253.
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