( Pp. 181-184)

More about authors
Chechuevsky Nikita Vitalievich aspirant. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo processa
Saratov state law academy
Objective: to Consider the importance of the court in law enforcement. The article analyzes the views of various authors on the essence of "justice" or "judicial control" aimed at the observance of rights and freedoms, as well as the interests of both persons brought to criminal responsibility and victims. At the same time, the issue that the court carries out its activities on the basis of criminal procedural legislation and the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, actively participating in the study of the evidence provided by the parties. Methodology: A systematic method was used to study the axiological role of the court in the criminal process, in conjunction with dialectical, theoretical (analysis, comparison, etc.) and empirical (study of relevant literature, observation, etc.) research methods. Conclusion: the Study shows the prevalence and relevance of the topic of the role of the court among the authors of the criminal process. The author notes the fairness of the opinion that the activity of the court in the study of evidence in the course of the judicial investigation corresponds to the principle of free evaluation of evidence, and assists the judge in the implementation of the constitutional right to justice. Practical value: law Enforcement officers are provided with information about the benefits of activity in the process of judicial investigation. Originality/value: Research on the activity of the court in the investigation of evidence in the judicial investigation, indicates the presence of social value of the role of the court in criminal proceedings.
How to Cite:
Chechuevsky N.V., (2019), AXIOLOGICAL ROLE OF THE COURT IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 181-184.
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