The Concept and Signs of Legal Fiction in Criminal Law
( Pp. 166-174)

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Abdulkhannyanov Ilyas A.
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to identify the signs of legal fiction in criminal law and formulate on their basis the definition of its concept. The relevance of this work is predetermined by the little-studied category of legal fiction in criminal law, the inconsistency of the knowledge available about it, the unresolved nature of many theoretical and applied problems associated with its use in the process of law-making and law enforcement. Achieving this goal will allow laying a methodological foundation for its further study and formulation of concrete proposals for improving criminal legislation and the theory of legal technology. On the basis of the studied doctrinal points of view, the problems determined by an incorrect understanding of fiction in law, including criminal law, are identified, which prevent its comprehensive understanding and application in real legal activity. Conclusions. The author identifies and substantiates five signs of legal fiction in criminal law: 1) is a means of legal technique; 2) it is deliberately used in legal regulation; 3) it is normatively fixed in the form of a legal prescription; 4) it has a deforming effect on criminal law relations; 5) it contributes to the implementation of criminal policy. The definition of the concept of legal fiction in criminal law is formulated, which is understood as a means of legal technique deliberately used in the formulation of prescriptions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation that do not correspond to reality in order to implement the criminal policy of the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Abdulkhannyanov I.A., (2022), THE CONCEPT AND SIGNS OF LEGAL FICTION IN CRIMINAL LAW. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 166-174.
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legal technique, legal fiction, fiction in criminal law, concept, signs.

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