The Peasant Question during the Civil War (comparative analysis of legislative acts)
( Pp. 299-303)

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Krasilnikov Timofei S. starshiy prepodavatel kafedry istorii gosudarstva i prava
Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGYUA)
The presented article is devoted to land reform, which in the history of our legislation was marked as the "peasant question". The article discusses the problem of land reform and provides a comparative analysis of legislative acts on the land of the Soviet and “white” governments during the years of the Civil War of 1918-1920. A historical digression of the analysis on this issue indicates a poorly studied topic in the framework of the historical and legal study of legislative transformation in Russia. The article identifies and analyzes the historical prerequisites and subsequent possibilities for resolving the "peasant issue" based on the legislation available at that time and the consequences of the peasant reform of 1861, which provided for a limited allotment of land to peasants, which, with the exception of a small allotment, was provided to peasants by paying redemption payments for 49 years, which additionally imposed a burden on peasant farms. The author analyzes the historical and legal trends in the development of land legislation. Particular attention is paid to the Land Decree, which met the requirements of the Marxist ideology on the elimination of private ownership of land, contained the beginnings that allowed the Bolshevik Party (Communist Party) to pursue an economic policy in the field of land relations in the interests of building socialism, focusing on the creation of collective forms housekeeping. In the article, the main problem of the "peasant question" is characterized by a weak study at the theoretical and practical level of normative support for the period after the events of October 1917. The analysis will provide an opportunity for the further development of theoretically sound conclusions and the expansion of the theoretical basis for further historical and legal research. The practical significance of the study, namely, the explanation of the difficulty of resolving issues of legal regulation with the land, is due to the possibility of applying the obtained results in the practice of historical assessment and accounting of consequences and in the educational process.
How to Cite:
Krasilnikov T.S., (2019), THE PEASANT QUESTION DURING THE CIVIL WAR (COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LEGISLATIVE ACTS). Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 299-303.
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