From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 9. Counteraction of the Police of the Russian Empire to the Illegal Opening of Industrial and Commercial Establishments. Suppression of Peddling Trade Without Commercial Sertificates
( Pp. 13-18)
More about authors
Nikolay G. Shurukhnov
Dr.Sci.(Law), professor, leading scientist employee
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The duties of the police of the Russian Empire, laid down in the draft of the Police Charter, developed by the commission of Senator A.A. Makarov, on compliance with the legal grounds for opening manufactories, plants, factories, preventing illegal acts provided for by the criminal law, committed by persons violating the procedure for their opening are considered. Police measures are designated to close establishments opened without obtaining the established permit, which depends on the relevant bodies of factory, mining, tax, excise, trade supervision. The areas of interaction of the police with officials of trade supervision in order to identify persons engaged in trade without a trade certificate are disclosed. With authorized representatives of the Chief of Factory and Mining Affairs of the Presence on compliance with the proper improvement and order at factories and plants. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the police to ensure compliance with the differential trade, for this purpose not only the legislation of the Russian Empire is analyzed, but also of individual foreign countries (France, Italy), where this type of trade was widespread and legally regulated.
How to Cite:
Shurukhnov N.G. From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 9. Counteraction of the Police of the Russian Empire to the Illegal Opening of Industrial and Commercial Establishments. Suppression of Peddling Trade Without Commercial Sertificates // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. №6. Pp. 013-018. (in Russ.). EDN: GZULKL
Reference list:
Note by Professor V. F. Deryuzhinsky, sent abroad to study some issues related to maintaining order and tranquility in Western European countries. - 1905. - 38 p.
Charter on direct taxes. // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume five. Edition of 1903. – Pp. 1-152.
Regulations on state industrial tax // Charter on direct taxes. Edition of 1903. Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume V. – P. 44-69.
City Regulations. Edition of 1892 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume II. - P. 273-332.
Trade Charter. Edition of 1903 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XI – Part Two. - P. 965-1035.
Charter on Industry. (1893 Edition) // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XI. Book One. – P. 1191-1321.
Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XV. Edition of 1885 – P. 1-202.
Regulations on zemstvo institutions // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume XII. - P. 1-272.
Criminal Procedure Code. November 20, 1864. Konsud'tantPlus (date of access 04/26/2024).
General Mining Code // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume VII. - P. 7-184.
Shuruhnov N.G. Duties of the police of the Russian Empire to maintain order and amenities in public places (streets, squares, boulevards, embankments, bridges, canals, highways and waterways // Gaps in Russian legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. No. 2. - P. 14-20.
Kazanina L. Yu., Shuruhnov N. G. Duties not characteristic of the activities of the police of the Russian Empire: an attempt to minimize them according to the project of the interdepartmental commission "On the transformation of the police in the empire (1906-1911) // Actual problems of combating crimes and other offenses in the Russian Federation. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - Tula: Tula Institute (branch) of VSUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), 2023. - P. 115-127.
Collection of laws and orders of the government, published under the Governing Senate. – St. Petersburg, 1916. – Section 1. October 30 (No. 307). – Art. 2426. - Pp. 3075–3110.
Sobranie uzakoneniy i rasporyazheniy pravitel stva, izdavaemoe pri Pravitel stvuyushchem Senate. Sankt-Peterburg, 1916. Otd. 1. 30 oktyabrya (№ 307). St. 2426. - S. 3075 3110.
Charter on direct taxes. // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume five. Edition of 1903. – Pp. 1-152.
Regulations on state industrial tax // Charter on direct taxes. Edition of 1903. Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume V. – P. 44-69.
City Regulations. Edition of 1892 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume II. - P. 273-332.
Trade Charter. Edition of 1903 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XI – Part Two. - P. 965-1035.
Charter on Industry. (1893 Edition) // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XI. Book One. – P. 1191-1321.
Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. XV. Edition of 1885 – P. 1-202.
Regulations on zemstvo institutions // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume XII. - P. 1-272.
Criminal Procedure Code. November 20, 1864. Konsud'tantPlus (date of access 04/26/2024).
General Mining Code // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume VII. - P. 7-184.
Shuruhnov N.G. Duties of the police of the Russian Empire to maintain order and amenities in public places (streets, squares, boulevards, embankments, bridges, canals, highways and waterways // Gaps in Russian legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. No. 2. - P. 14-20.
Kazanina L. Yu., Shuruhnov N. G. Duties not characteristic of the activities of the police of the Russian Empire: an attempt to minimize them according to the project of the interdepartmental commission "On the transformation of the police in the empire (1906-1911) // Actual problems of combating crimes and other offenses in the Russian Federation. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - Tula: Tula Institute (branch) of VSUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), 2023. - P. 115-127.
Collection of laws and orders of the government, published under the Governing Senate. – St. Petersburg, 1916. – Section 1. October 30 (No. 307). – Art. 2426. - Pp. 3075–3110.
Sobranie uzakoneniy i rasporyazheniy pravitel stva, izdavaemoe pri Pravitel stvuyushchem Senate. Sankt-Peterburg, 1916. Otd. 1. 30 oktyabrya (№ 307). St. 2426. - S. 3075 3110.
industrial and commercial establishments; manual trade; rules; trade certificates; private mining plants and industries..