About Some Features of the Functioning of Investigative and Operational Groups: Errors and Recommendations
( Pp. 208-211)
More about authors
Zakharova Valentina Olegovna
Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia Samokhvalov Ilya Alekseevich Senior investigator, : investigative Department for the Budyonnovsky district of Donetsk
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Donetsk People's Republic
Donetsk, Russia
Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia Samokhvalov Ilya Alekseevich Senior investigator, : investigative Department for the Budyonnovsky district of Donetsk
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Donetsk People's Republic
Donetsk, Russia
Abstract: The purpose of the study. For many decades, scientists and practitioners have been making various proposals on how to optimize investigative activities, how to solve a crime "in hot pursuit", how to prove guilt and establish the true picture of what happened. But many more aspects need to be finalized, which confirms the lack of one hundred percent disclosure and the presence of acquittals of the court in a number of criminal cases. In this article, the authors consider certain aspects of investigative activity and ways to optimize it using the example of the functioning of investigative and operational groups. They analyze the features of collective forms of investigation; give their differences and give recommendations on the implementation of activities as part of the investigative task force, including in the new territories of our state. The role of the investigator in the investigative task force and his responsibility for the final result is emphasized. The authors conclude that any work should not contradict the Law and be carried out qualitatively: then the result will be both positive and in the shortest possible time.
This publication will be of interest to students of law faculties, as well as scientists and practitioners.
This publication will be of interest to students of law faculties, as well as scientists and practitioners.
How to Cite:
Zakharova V.O., Samokhvalov I.A. About Some Features of the Functioning of Investigative and Operational Groups: Errors and Recommendations // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №6. Pp. 208-211. (in Russ.). EDN: MAPBSU
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Ethics of investigative activity: textbook / edited by A.M. Bagmet. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2018. - 415 p.
Etika sledstvennoy deyatel nosti: uchebnik / pod red. A.M. Bagmeta. M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2018. - 415 s.
investigation; investigator; investigative and operational groups; investigative groups; criminal case..