Activities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Ensure Order and Decorum in Churches, Houses of Worship, During Spiritual Rites (According to the Draft Police Charter)
( Pp. 13-17)

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Nikolay G. Shurukhnov
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The responsibilities of the police are considered as provided for in the second chapter of the draft Police Charter, developed by the commission of Senator A.A. Makarova (1906-1913). They were aimed at ensuring order and decorum during various religious events held in churches, houses of worship, as well as areas adjacent to them. The features of such activities during religious processions, religious processions, pilgrimages, meetings and seeing off holy icons and other religious celebrations, as well as observations of bell ringing as a means of notifying believers are shown. A significant place is given to comparison with the norms of the Charter for the Prevention and Suppression of Crimes of 1882, the Criminal Code of 1903, the Italian law of December 23, 1888 on public safety, agreed with the criminal code of January 1, 1890, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police”.
How to Cite:
Shurukhnov N.G. Activities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Ensure Order and Decorum in Churches, Houses of Worship, During Spiritual Rites (According to the Draft Police Charter) // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №7. Pp. 013-017. (in Russ.). EDN: QZVTWT
Reference list:
Draft Police Charter with article-by-article explanations. 4th Appendix to the bill on the transformation of the police in the Empire. – St. Petersburg, Printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1913. – 268 p.
Code of statutes on the prevention and suppression of crimes. Edition 1890 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XIV. – pp. 97–147.
Draft law “On Personal Privacy”. May 8, 1906 // Legislative proposals of the People's Freedom Party, 1905-190. – St. Petersburg, 1907. pp. 64-69.
On the police: Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ (as amended) // ConsultantPlus: official website. URL: (date of access: 08/30/2023).
Information on some issues relating to the organization of police service in foreign countries. Appendix 7 to the bill on the transformation of the police in the Empire. – St._Petersburg. Printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1913. – 106 p.
Charter on Punishments imposed by Justices of the Peace. Edition of 1885 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XV. – pp. 203-234.
Comprehensive analysis of the state of crime in the Russian Federation based on the results of 2022 and expected trends in its development: analytical review. – M., 2023. – 102 p.
Kompleksnyy analiz sostoyaniya prestupnosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii po itogam 2022 goda i ozhidaemye tendentsii ee razvitiya: analiticheskiy obzor. M., 2023. 102 s.
Orthodox Church; religion; Christian temple; house of worship; worship; temple festivals; police; religious processions; observation..

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