Role and Objectives of Management in Ensuring Sustainable Development of Innovative Fuel Processing Companies
( Pp. 256-267)
More about authors
Artur D. Bobryshev
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Professor, Training Department of the Graduate School, AutorID: 645530
All-Russian Research Institute «Center» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Alexander G. Vishlenkov postgraduate student$
All-Russian Research Institute «Center» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation
All-Russian Research Institute «Center» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Alexander G. Vishlenkov postgraduate student$
All-Russian Research Institute «Center» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to disclose the composition and content of the actions of the management of innovative fuel processing companies to ensure their sustainable development in a competitive market. Based on the results of the work carried out, the following main conclusions were obtained. One of the effective mechanisms for solving the problem of optimizing the provision of consumers with fuels and lubricants is the organization of this work using fuel payment cards (fuel processing). There are relatively many companies participating in the payment card market, but they are not stable enough, which reduces customer confidence in this type of service and generally weakens the potential of the market infrastructure. To increase the stability of the work of processing companies, it is recommended to follow a number of imperatives that develop the principles of building their rational economic policy formulated by the authors. These include: application, improvement and development of marketing technologies to expand the sale of company services; implementation of a balanced, moderate economic policy focused on the stability of the company's development, and not on explosive growth; prioritization of profit distribution based on the interests of the company's development; conducting a thorough business case for the company's new projects using specialized modern software systems; absence of unjustified withdrawal of assets, increase in their value, including at the expense of an intangible component (patents, licenses, shares, participation interests...). The practical implementation of these imperatives requires from the management and line personnel of processing companies the appropriate composition and content of actions determined by the specifics of this business and the use of digital technologies.
How to Cite:
Bobryshev A. D., Vishlenkov A. G. Role and Objectives of Management in Ensuring Sustainable Development of Innovative Fuel Processing Companies // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 5. P. 256-267. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2024-20-5-256-267. EDN: SYHELY
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Nurjanah, L. Peran Market Orientation, Learning Orientation, Strategic Agility, Strategic Planning, dan Customer Relationship, dengan Innovation sebagai Variabel Mediasi / L. Nurjanah, R. B. Napitupulu. Journal of Management and Bussines (JOMB). 2023. Vol. 5. No. 1. pp. 130–158.
Features of organization management, taking into account the stages of the life cycle /V. G. Agibalov, I. V. Basha, A. V. Saturday, F. S. Wassuf. Natural humanitarian research. 2023. № 5 (49). pp. 367–370.
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Which marketing strategy for new product development? // Strategic Direction. 2022. Vol. 38. No. 9. pp. 32–35.
fuel processing, digitalization, principles, imperatives, economic policy, marketing, life cycle..
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