From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 8. Prevention by the Police of the Russian Empire of Harmful Effects on the Health of the Population and Its Public Morality
( Pp. 11-17)
More about authors
Nikolay G. Shurukhnov
Dr.Sci.(Law), professor, leading scientist employee
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The responsibilities of the police of the Russian Empire “to protect public health” are indicated, including measures to ensure the cleanliness of public places, water sources, and the prevention of epidemics and diseases. The content of supervision over compliance with established sanitary rules, encouraging persons who violate such rules to stop illegal activities is revealed. Attention is drawn to a special rule, according to which the police, having perceived the lack of a proper response to the implementation of sanitary rules on the part of authorized officials and institutions, are obliged to report this to the relevant authorities, in order to achieve appropriate supervisory influence. The activities of the police to suppress the illegal trade in poisonous, potent drugs in the absence of special licenses are considered. The illegal establishment of cemeteries was excluded, and when burying the dead, bodies were transported and interred on the basis of mandatory regulations (rules). Some attention is paid to protecting public morality, primarily regarding lewdness and the operation of dens of debauchery. The provisions of certain international legal acts signed by the Russian Empire and which played a certain role in preventing the police from harmful effects on the health of the population and its public morality are briefly presented.
How to Cite:
Shurukhnov N.G. From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 8. Prevention by the Police of the Russian Empire of Harmful Effects on the Health of the Population and Its Public Morality // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. №3. Pp. 011-017. (in Russ.). EDN: AWQWIC
Reference list:
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Charter on Punishments imposed by Justices of the Peace. Edition of 1885 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XV. – pp. 203-234.
Charter on public charity. Edition of 1892 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T.XIII. – P.81-175.
Code of statutes on the prevention and suppression of crimes, Edition 1890 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XIV. – P. 97-147.
Criminal code. March 22, 1903 With motives extracted from the explanatory note of the editorial commission, the presentation of the Min. Justice in the State Council and journals - a special meeting, a special presence of departments and a general meeting of the State Council. Edition by N.S. Tagantseva. – St. PETERSBURG, 1904 // ConsultantPlus. Profile: Lawyer [Electron. periodic ed.]. M.: ConsultantPlus, 2024. Cap. with title. screen. (Date of access: 03/19/2024). Access mode: by subscription.
Ugolovnoe ulozhenie. 22 marta 1903 g. S motivami, izvlechennymi iz ob yasnitel noy zapiski redaktsionnoy komissii, predstavleniya Min. YUstitsii v Gosudarstvennyy Soveta i zhurnalov osobogo soveshchaniya, osobogo prisutstviya departamentov i obshchego sobraniya Gosudarstvennogo Soveta. Izdanie N.S. Tagantseva. S.-PETERBURG, 1904 // Konsul tantPlyus. Profil : YUrist Elektron. periodich. izd. . M. : Konsul tantPlyus, 2024. Zagl. s titul. ekrana. (Data obrashcheniya: 19.03.2024). Rezhim dostupa : po podpiske.
Kazanina L.Yu., Shurukhnov N.G. Reforming the social sphere and personal development as components of the program provisions of the Stolypin concept of modernization of Russia // Gaps in Russian legislation. – 2022. – T. 15, No. 4. – P.270-275.
Kazanina L.Yu. Shurukhnov N.G. Responsibilities not inherent in the activities of the police of the Russian Empire: an attempt to minimize them according to the project of the interdepartmental Commission “On the transformation of the police in the Empire” (1906-1911) // Current problems of combating crimes and other offenses in the Russian Federation: materials of the All-Russian Federation. scientific-practical conf. (Tula, January 27, 2023). – Tula: Tula Institute (branch) of VGUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), 2023. – P. 115-127.
Medical regulations. Edition of 1905 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volumes XIII – XVI. – P. 176-353. Charter of the Medical Police, Book Two. – pp. 256-308. – ST. PETERSBURG. Russian Book Partnership "Doer".
Regulations on zemstvo institutions // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume XII. – P. 1-272.
City situation. Edition of 1892 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume II. – pp. 273-332.
Code of general provincial institutions // Code of laws of the Russian Empire. – St. Petersburg: Type. 2nd Department of Own. E.I.V. office, 1857-1868. – T. 2, part 1. – 1857. – P. 1-209.
International law. In a systematic presentation. Translation from the sixth German edition, edited and with additions by Prof. V.E. Grabar. Yuriev (Dorpt). Printing house R. Matthiesn, 1917. – 686 p.
Charter on Industry. (Ed. 1893) // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XI. Book one. – pp. 1191-1321.
Charter on Punishments imposed by Justices of the Peace. Edition of 1885 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XV. – pp. 203-234.
Charter on public charity. Edition of 1892 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T.XIII. – P.81-175.
Code of statutes on the prevention and suppression of crimes, Edition 1890 // Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. T. XIV. – P. 97-147.
Criminal code. March 22, 1903 With motives extracted from the explanatory note of the editorial commission, the presentation of the Min. Justice in the State Council and journals - a special meeting, a special presence of departments and a general meeting of the State Council. Edition by N.S. Tagantseva. – St. PETERSBURG, 1904 // ConsultantPlus. Profile: Lawyer [Electron. periodic ed.]. M.: ConsultantPlus, 2024. Cap. with title. screen. (Date of access: 03/19/2024). Access mode: by subscription.
Ugolovnoe ulozhenie. 22 marta 1903 g. S motivami, izvlechennymi iz ob yasnitel noy zapiski redaktsionnoy komissii, predstavleniya Min. YUstitsii v Gosudarstvennyy Soveta i zhurnalov osobogo soveshchaniya, osobogo prisutstviya departamentov i obshchego sobraniya Gosudarstvennogo Soveta. Izdanie N.S. Tagantseva. S.-PETERBURG, 1904 // Konsul tantPlyus. Profil : YUrist Elektron. periodich. izd. . M. : Konsul tantPlyus, 2024. Zagl. s titul. ekrana. (Data obrashcheniya: 19.03.2024). Rezhim dostupa : po podpiske.
resolution; public health; cleanliness of streets, gardens, squares; protecting water from pollution; burial rules for unknown persons; protection of public morality..