Features and Problems of Formation of Production and Technological Chains in the Digital Space of Industry
( Pp. 123-133)

More about authors
Lyudmila D. Kapranova Cand. Sci. (Econ.)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Niyaz M. Abdikeev Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Director of the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Susanna R. Bekulova Junior Researcher at the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study: the formation of production and technological chains in Russia of a complex structure, which consist of a set of industries with vertical and horizontal links. It is noted that large integrated structures will allow for the modernization of production based on innovations and ensure the technological security of the country in the context of sanctions from Western countries. Problem areas of activity caused by political and economic factors are identified. In the context of developing crisis trends, it is necessary to search for the most effective forms of interaction between participants within complex production structures, which can increase their competitiveness in the market. Structures with vertical and horizontal links are interested in high production results and increased competitiveness, due to more efficient use of resources and reduced transaction costs. The development of technologies will provide support for the development of new business models, control and develop business, model and automate decision-making processes, and develop cooperation in the ecosystem. The theoretical basis of the scientific work was the use of general scientific methods of cognition to the processes and phenomena under study, and the methodological basis was the synthesis of the theory of industrial production and neoclassical theory. The use of a logical approach allowed us to interpret the results obtained during the study, as well as to draw conclusions and formulate proposals on the use of various mechanisms, tools and models for the development of approaches to the development of a mechanism for managing the activities of production and technological chains. It was concluded that despite the current problems, Russian industry has sufficient resources and all the opportunities for the development and transformation of existing production and technological chains and the creation of new ones based on deepening integration processes and modernization of production.
How to Cite:
Kapranova L. D., Abdikeev N. M., Bekulova S. R. Features and Problems of Formation of Production and Technological Chains in the Digital Space of Industry // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 5. P. 123-133. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2024-20-5-123-133. EDN: KAJFAE
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economic policy, production and technological chain, vertical and horizontal integration, scientific and technological security; technological leadership, national security..

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